Can Avast programmers have the system tray Icon to show a colour change when the online scanner box “Installed Providers” have been disabled?
It appears at the moment the computer user is unaware he/she has not “Re enabled” the ones they have “Paused” or “Teminated”??
Hi Again,
Thanks "DavidR’ for your reply re my need for the change to Avast System Tray Icon Colours
I have noticed when using the Avast in the “Screen Saver” mode the info bar does change from “Blue” to “Red” when in the screen saver mode has come across a virus!
Now, I understand when your computer identifies/localises a virus the Avast System Tray Icon changes to “Red” = Please advise if this is so? =
I still feel the “By the hovering a mouse over the Avast Icon” you can see/check on the “Access Scanning” “How Many Running” details = This I feel is poor and not really very satisfactory and would benefit all if the Avast programmers could organise the “Avast System Tray Icon” to, say show “Blue” to aware computer users with not having some of or all the “Shield” settings activated/initiated.
On this matter, as is often the case, one “size” will not fit all.
Yes, it would be good to have the “a” icon change to indicate one or more providers “paused” or terminated", but only if this feature could be checked/unchecked, preferably for each “provider”, according to the user’s choice.