I installed avast! 4 on my system a couple of hours ago, and I am still waiting for the VRDB update to complete. I have no idea how long this should take; I have no idea how far along it is; I have no idea whether it’s even doing anything any more, other than spinning the tray icon.
I feel that there really should be some sort of progress indicator (a bar that goes from 0% to 100%, perhaps, or make it something else skin-dependent) to reassure me that it is in fact doing something useful… not just during VRDB updates, but during any long-term operation (more than 5-10 seconds), such as downloading updates from the website, etc.
Heh. I did software testing for a living for many, many years until the high-tech industry here in California imploded a couple of years ago.
Don’t mind me… it’s force-of-habit… ;D
A textual indicator would be perfectly acceptable, so long as it’s updated often enough to be meaningful (every 10-15 seconds or so, maybe?) Perhaps this could be implemented as a tooltip, much like the DUN connection statistics on my system.
– Jeff
– aka The Beerslayer
p.s. I’m pretty sure I did say somewhere in this forum that I was impressed so far… 8)
Good suggestion beerslayer. Thanks Vlk for your promise: A simple progress indicator (or at least a simple text percentage value) shouldn’t actually be too hard to implement… maybe in the next version. ;D