SUPERAnti-Spyware Question

In the SAS Settings, there is one that reads:
Terminate memory threats before quarantining.

It is NOT selected by default.
During Manual Scans, which is preferable?
Should I leave it NOT selected?
Or would it be better if I selected it?

Personally I would leave the SAS defaults unless you have a specific reason to change them.

Personally feel this is a poor choice of words “Terminate memory threats before quarantining” as a memory threat isn’t a file just a memory block, so technically couldn’t be sent to quarantine.

So I don’'t know if this refers to the detection of a file that also has something running in memory. Then they would try to terminate that process in memory.

You could also try your friend google,, which returns many hits.

Thanks, David. :slight_smile: I’ll leave it at the default NOT selected then.

The only default setting that I’ve always changed was the one for checking for Tracking Cookies. I set it NOT to check for the Tracking Cookies. Ehhh, it wouldn’t find any anyway. Pretty much, usually right before my avast, MBAM and SAS Manual Scans, I perform a CCleaner Cleaning. So, all the Cookies are gone anyway by the time the Scans begin.

I never have tracking cookies checked for a real paranoid option of little value, my settings are generally in line with the default but some I don’t feel the need for, see image.

I do notice you have 1 more option NOT selected vs. my Settings. You don’t have the Resolve Links/Shortcuts during scan (.Ink) Setting selected. Mine IS selected. And that is the default Setting. What significance does this Setting have?

The .lnk tile types are links/shortcuts and can to a degree be exploited (avast protects against the .lnk exploit) and I have a high degree of confidence in my system being clean so I don’t need SAS to go following the link to scan what is on the other end (local or external).

So you’re saying you save a lot on Scanning Time by having that option NOT selected?
I don’t have too much of a problem with SAS’ Scanning Time.
I just have a serious beef with it’s loading of its Updates.
Those updates take so freakin’ long that it’s almost better to perform a Windows Reinstall than to go through the process of loading the SAS Updates and then performing the Scan.

No I’m not saying anything at all in relation to time, your reading too much into it again ;D

A .lnk file is a shortcut to a file, inside that will be the path to that file and SAS would follow that link and scan it, the time to do this would be in the milliseconds so you would have to have thousands of these to save a second or two.

The most likely location of the file for that link will be on your system and it is also likely to be an exe file at the end of the shortcut path. Guess what, .exe files are scanned by default so I see zero point in scanning something twice. If the .lnk happens to be to an on-line or external source, I don’t want SAS to connect to the internet, etc.

I run my avast, MBAM and SAS Manual Scans while Off Line. So, SAS wouldn’t be able to try and follow any links on the Net.

Okay, so if there’s no actual real, significant Scanning Time difference with that Setting selected or not selected, I’ll just leave it as is, in the default setting.

That wouldn’t stop it trying and failing which could have an impact on overall scan duration. However, I wouldn’t expect for there to be many occurrences of a .lnk file with an external reference to follow.