Superantispyware found the following -Should I be concerned?

SAS found the following on one computer and quarantined it. Trojan Agent gen- Agentsmall Processes C\Program Files\Avast software\DeFin\FWAUX.Dll. On another computer SAS found Trojan Agent\Gen \Gen-Sippen\Avast Software\Avast\Setup|inf.|AswfsBLK.Sys. On the third computer SAS found Trojan Agent–C\Sytem Volume Information–Restore {129CA77A–be45-4173-996E–5f9dc325f396-5F9DC32EF396 ]-RP1819\AO125936.DLL.
Presently these files are in SAS quarantine. Should I just leavre them there or what?

Never mind. I read the link from SAS in another post. :-[

A few such topics in the forums about SAS FPs on avast files, this is just one This was meant to have been resolved by SAS signature updates ensure you update SAS before any scan. Don’t scan too frequently more chance of bumping into an FP that hasn’t yet been reported and corrected.

Restore the ones that are in avast folder locations, the one in the C:\System Volume Information folder is there because of moving the FWAUX.Dll to the SAS quarantine, this can be removed if the other restorations work.

Thanks for your input, but since SAS had automatically removed some files-although Avast was running smoothly—I uninstalled all three copies of Avast and reinstalled it. Thanks again for your response.

If I were you, I would uninstall SAS. Not worth it for the little protection it provides.

I hope I’m not hijacking this thread by posting here but I’ve used SAS 2 or 3 times and each time it messed up my computer. Took forever to uninstall and after each uninstall I had to do a system restore. I will never use it again.

The key here is don’t delete investigate and certainly when any detection by any 3rd party security scan is in the avast folders.

FPs are a fact of life and SAS is no different to MBAM or avast or other security applications, what you have to do is not act in haste and repent at leisure. One of your applications hitmanpro isn’t guilt free when it comes to FPs, during my short trial the only thing it ever found were FPs. Two weeks later despite reporting the FPs they were still being detected.

Or you can open SAS, click on Preferences-- Scanning Control–Excluded Folders–navigate to program files and select Avast to be excluded from scanning.