SUPERAntiSpyware - Scanning Control

I posted on the SAS forum about this, but got no response. I’m thinking about the “Scan only known file types (.exe, .com, .dll, etc.)” option in the settings. Should I leave the tick in the box or remove it so that SAS can scan ALL my files? How do you have it set? Thank you! :slight_smile:

SUPERAntiSpyware takes long enough to scan known file types and if you remove that then it probably could take hours or even days if there are lots of files present on the hard drive.

I have not used SUPERAntiSpyware since I installed Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware (MBAM) as its scan takes ages and never finds anything.


I use SAS and MBAM, and both are quite fast. :slight_smile:

MBAM is too slow I don’t like it aren’t there other free antimalware better than it>>.<?

I don’t think that’s true.

MBAM is too slow I don't like it aren't there other free antimalware better than it>>.<?
maybe you should try quick scan ;)

Malwarebytes Antimalware review’_Anti-Malware

If MBAM is too slow, then there is something seriously wrong with your system as MBAM is one of the fastest anti-malware applications. Or as has been said you aren’t doing a Quick scan but a Full one and Quick is more than adequate for routine scans.

So if MBAM is slow, I shudder to think what other anti-spyware/malware would be like on your system.

MBAM is quite fast on my system but SAS was slow and so it is no more on my computer since more than a year ago.

SAS got faster with the last update (at least the updating works faster now). On my PC both are quite fast (MBAM & SAS).

I’ve got the free versions of both SAS and MBAM, and on my system an MBAM quick scan takes slightly over 1/3 the time of an SAS quick scan, a hair over 5 minutes as compared with around 13-15 for SAS. Admittedly they may not be scanning the same numbers of files etc., but that ratio should, I’d think, hold at least roughly true for everyone.

I agree with those here, if it takes too long then either:
-It is on Full scan
-Your infected…
-Your system is very limited on resources, similar to below…

MBAM takes 5 min? Thats pretty good, my last system with similar specs to yours and it took about 3-4 times that…but then it was full of crap…

Sounds reasonable – one thing my sig specs don’t show is that my free space stays fairly steady in the mid-70’s percent range, since I’m not big into videos and don’t play with betas.

I can’t really remember how much free space I had, but I guess not much, and the person who had it before me was one of those, know it all types…so it was full of crap when I got it…I still think there is some limewire crap on it even after we pretty much destroyed the hard disk, before binning the rest ;D

I haven’t seen a noticeable difference in updates on dial-up, which I was wishing for.

Hm, before that last program update it really took long to update, at least here. For some seconds the whole system was frozen, but now that’s got better. MBAM doesn’t have such problems, it’s updates get installed really fast. :slight_smile:

SUPERAntiSpyware (SAS) anever finds anything because avast! antispyware module does a great job.

Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware (MBAM) finds fp’s.

Given both comments and the fact that the avast anti-spyware has found nothing on my system should I also remove avast ???

The answer is as obvious as the others saying SAS and MABM don’t find anything on their systems, “I literally don’t expect them to find anything given the proactive measures I take.” So does the fact that all three find nothing make them bad security applications, clearly not.

As has been mentioned many times a single application isn’t going to give 100% protection.