Sorry guys I didn’t post this thread in the last post I just remembered about this.
I just want to ask about Superantispyware “scanning control” setting under “preferences”, as which box’s should be check to make sure that the program can scan for spyware and malware to it’s fullest.
as I not sure which one to check and not to check.
See my settings image, I don’t care about cookies as they are a minor issue and not one of security and I don’t want my browser closed and see no need to resolve links.
But that is just my preferences, each to their own, what I would suggest is leave everything at the ‘default’ settings for a while until you get to know SAS better. You will see just how big your logs can get on the cookie side, personally I set my browser not to accept third party cookies (those not from the site you are visiting) and periodically clear all cookies.
With particular regard to the SAS logs, I set it up so there’s no log generated if the scan was clean. Can’t see any reason to save a log in that case, and it saves a lot of otherwise wasted (in my opinion) space.
The first 5 boxes are unchecked, the others are checked in my configuration. If you want the most efficient scanning configuration, you should uncheck the first 4 boxes.
Thanks for ur response as i have learned alot more about how to scan SAS with those settings to pick up more and to keep my PC free from spyware, adware and malware.