
Avast has just deleted the exe of my paid for SuperAntiSpyware. I could not catch it in time to exclude it. Must I reinstall SuperAntiSpyware or can the exe file be retrieved. Thanks

Go to the UI>Scan>Quarantine at the bottom.

Right click on the exe file (if its there) and choose restore.

Then it should work again.

Hello Steven Winderlich, The file is not in quarantine but thanks for the tip.

If deleted…i guess avast detected it as something, what?

You can use one of these options and report it to avast lab

You can upload files and report issues to avast here : (select subject according to Your case)

You can use mail
send to in a password protected zip file
mail subject: False Positive / undetected sample (select subject according to your case)
zip password: infected

or you can send files from avast chest
how to use the chest.

Thanks Pondus for your indepth info but unfortunately the SuperAntiSpyware exe file was not in quarantine so I could not use any of the choices. I resolved it by reinstalling the program again after going to Exclusions and preventing the program from being scanned. The said version has been running for quite a few months without being affected by Avast so I wondered if the Avast updated definition database,today, resulted in a false-positive.

You can report a possible FP here:

Don’t think so. I just scanned the folder completely " No Threat found ". Where did you download SAS installer from ?

Was it really paid for or was it a crack?

I bought the Lifetime Subscription 10-02-2012 and updated to the latest v5.7.1018 15-01-2014. Deletion of the installed exe file occurred after download of Avast definition database today. All I did to was to reinstall v5.7.1018 again to get it back.

FYI it is not a good idea having SAS as resident protection.
SAS can create a possible conflict with avast.
You can still keep the auto-update feature of SAS, just disable the real-time protection.

It is no more likely to conflict with avast than MBAM and we know that really isn’t an issue.

I used SAS Pro for many years with avast and not one issue or conflict. I just stopped using it after trying MBAM when it first came out (no need for two anti-spy/malware.

Tis True.
Myself also on xp. :slight_smile:

I had nothing but trouble when running both as resident.
In fact it was here on the forums that it was recommended
to not run both because of conflicts.

I also have SAS next to MBAM and avast!resident av solution - no problem as you keep SAS and MBAM as non-residents.
Just update before scanning with SAS and all fine. Besides the occasional tracking cookie it does not detect much on my laptop.


I don’t see where or who recommended not running SAS and Avast as resident as they aren’t both antivirus programs. Unless you are changing your original point to not running SAS Pro with avast to running two resident anti-spy/malware applications.

So there would be no difference on recommending SAS or MBAM to run alongside avast. The only proviso would be not running SAS Pro and MBAM Pro as resident and that has nothing to do with avast, but running two resident programs of the same type (2 X anti-spy/malware or 2 X antivirus).

I had SAS Pro before MBAM came out and for some time I had SAS Pro as the Resident and when MBAM came out I had that as the free version non-resident along side SAS Pro.

When I bought MBAM Pro, I switched SAS Pro to non-resident alongside avast and no issues at all in all of the years I used SAS Pro - I ended up uninstalling SAS Pro because it didn’t bring much else to the party (MBAM Pro and avast).

There should be a point when you review what security applications you have installed, effectively when you spend time servicing those applications rather than they serve you, then you don’t have the balance right.

Besides my setup my wife`s W7 Home Premium Acer desktop also has the latest SuperAntiSpyware Pro bought on a yearly subscription commencing 08-05-2013 and Avast free version about a year before that. As yet, Avast has not knocked out her SAS exe file. Until my XP Medion died 6 months ago I had that running with SAS Pro and the then version of Avast Free from 10-02-2012 onwards. I wonder why my SAS exe got knocked out and not her one. Thanks to you all for your opinions and suggestions but I will see if it happens again and then take it from there.

No one can really say why as there is insufficient information to make that judgement.

We don’t know:

  1. the file name and location.
  2. the malware name given on the detection.
  3. the type of scan that was being done and if memory was being scanned.

Commonly when detections are made on other security based applications, it is because the scan done included memory and the that application loaded unencrypted malware signatures into memory.

Typically files ‘shouldn’t be deleted’ by avast as the default action is to move to chest, yet you say it wasn’t in the chest. That is why the above snippets of information are helpful in determining the why that you ask.

those tracking cookie detections stopped for me after using MVPS HOSTS file and better privacy for automatically deletion after closing the browser and if there still is something, it gets regularly deleted from the [b]c:\users\username\cookies[/b] and the [b]c:\users\username\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\cookies[/b] folders.

@ OP: Instead of SAS you might try Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, Adwcleaner and Junkware Removal Tool.

edit: I forgot to add: Your issue might be something similar to that one here (, which I also have experienced on Windows 8x64 but not on Windows 7x64.
So out of curiosity: which OS are you using exactly?

I cleanse those now in Google Chrome with Vanilla Cookie Manager and then SAS does not find any longer.
Now I see: “Clear Unwanted cookies 99 out of 102”. Click. Done.
