Surprised! The Portuguese version is indeed Brazilian one

I can read at

avast! 4.1 Home/Pro can now speak nine languages - English, Czech, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Hungarian, Polish and Portuguese

There is not a Brazilian flag… :cry: :stuck_out_tongue:

The Portuguese translation is indeed a Brazilian one 8)

Pavel, won’t you say anything? :cry:
Is it too difficult to get a Brazilian flag? Or you are just interested on our beloved Portugal? ;D

I believe it’s already fixed :wink:

Ok, next fix, the Brazilian flag itself ;D

I dedicate this 2000th forum post to you guys, the ones who make this forum the best

Thanks to Techie, Raman, Waldo, Minacross, Cojo, Sasha, Culpeper, MacLover, Whocares, Igor, Peter, Vlk, Pavel, Novak, Mike, Vojtech, Kubecj… and all the others 8)

In memoriam of Walker :cry:

I asked Martin (the author of the image) and he said he likes the Portugal flag better ;D

Hi Technical,

Totally leaving the flag issue out of this, when you say it’s definitely a Brazilian translation, I assume that means there are major and obvious differences between that and “Portuguese Portuguese”.

Wandering a little O/T – and hopefully the mods will tolerate me, at least for a while – I’m reminded of my own experiences. I took four solid years of French in high school, back in New York – but it was Parisian French, and is almost totally useless and unintelligible here in Canada.

In computer land, there are quite a lot of differences between the ‘two’ Portugueses, specially because we (the Brazilians) allow more (or a lot) of English words without problem. In Portugal, they have a ‘pure’ Portuguese. Hope they can read my translation. 8)

Technical enough! Stay out of the forum and enjoy your Vacation!!! :wink:

Only Thursday :-X :-X

Ok I will hold you to that 8)

Thanks Mac, so I won’t be alone… 8)

Posted by: Technical Posted on: Today at 12:04:35am
I dedicate this 2000th forum post to you guys, the ones who make this forum the best

Thanks to Techie, Raman, Waldo, Minacross, Cojo, Sasha, Culpeper, MacLover, Whocares, Igor, Peter, Vlk, Pavel, Novak, Mike, Vojtech, Kubecj… and all the others

In memoriam of Walker

Technical, congratulations on this milestone! It speaks highly of your dedication, my friend!

…and I add my tears to yours for missing Walker


2000 posts shows truly how helpful you are!

Very thanks for your words…
Wellcome to forums. Help the others and ask for help… You’ll see this is a family, the best forum of the Web ;D