Suspect a false positive after latest update

After my update today (database version 0403-6), Avast reported a trojan W32:Trojan.gen{Other} on file C:\mirc\mirc.exe.

This file has been on my computer for over two years, and no virus scanner (avast, online scanners, symantec, AVG) has ever had a problem with it.

When the warning was first posted, I tried the repair option, but then thought better of it - adding the offending file to the Exceptions list, and restoring the original file from my backups (yes, I actually do use backups!)

Could someone confirm whether the latest release could have caused this. I have the zipped or original versions of the mirc.exe file if anyone needs to examine them.

VPS 403-6 seems to have more false positives (;action=display;threadid=3212;start=msg23017#msg23017) >:(

Thanks for the very quick reply. I did see that thread before posting, but since the reported file and symptom were slightly different, I thought I’d start a new thread. Do you need my file to help determine why the false positive occurred?

Me not but you can send it to for analysis…
Hope we have more luck tomorrow… Wellcome to forums. 8)

I’ve mailed it in, but I’m sure it’s just caused by a glitch in their latest update file.