I have my email set to scan all emails and it was said to be a good thing but today I started getting this email pop up “suspicious message” it is just a reply to a email link from a tv web page I sent. How do I stop this.
Well if you read the alert image you posted you will get a clue, you need to add the remote address for the iframe into the Permitted URLs, that would resolve it.
If you use the scroll bar to scroll down I believe that it would show the remote address “Target of the remote iframe.” That is what you enter into the Internet Mail, Customise button, Heuristics tab, Permitted URLs.
The iFrame HTML tag is a powerful tool which can import and execute data. Whilst this is fine on a web site for importing dynamic data, it can still be put to malicious purposes as well as good.
It isn’t often used in emails and usually for ads, etc. however the potential for harm is great and since avast can’t assess that potential at the time of scanning, it has to wait until that content were downloaded (too late) that is why the Heuristics flag it as suspicious.
If you know the remote address/url that the imported data is coming from (possibly displayed in the alert window and you trust it) you can add that to the permitted URLs in the Heuristics section of the Internet Mail provider, as explained above.
Thanks I read it and still don’t have a clue thats why I asked for help, I clicked permitted url and continue and It came up aian when someone replied to that email, From no on I guess I’ll just forward the link instead of the page. But this was a first for me when I email a page.
Have yu resolved the problem, e.g. first identify the remote source of the iframe and enter it in the Internet Mail Permitted URLs.
I don’t know if clicking the Permitted URLs on the alert adds that remote address, if you clicked that does it add it to the permitted urls ?