Suspicious web-site

hello, i have accidently clicked on (spyfu) site’s link in google. i haven’t even really understood what’s this site about, as i don’t usually go to ip-links, but it has something to do with adware. my avast was on when i clicked it. can i say i’m safe? also, is this one a badware site? thank you very much!

Hi ttrof,

Scam, phishing & spam site, see:
ActiveXDataObjectsMDAC detected & files from suggest dot spyfu dot com/Requester.htm spamvertiser according to WOT report


Sucuri say infected with
See Sucuri Screen Shot

Norman analysis

Currently this iframe don't have any malicious file embedded in it or not doing any malicious activity.

Very nice, guys… however, I believe the OP would highly appreciate if you answered his most important question:


As far as I understand Pondus’ post, the answer is “yes”…?

SpyFu is a spybot (spying spider) and after data, a lot of webmasters have it’s access blocked …
