Svchost.exe False Positive 2010

Hi All,

Sorry for my english, but I don’t have the habit to post in another language than french.
Avast recently detected Win32:Rootkit-gen[Rtk] on my Windows XP, and proposed me to delete. Well, I accept.
But since, I have no more Internet connection, my desktop turned over to Win 95 skin and I can’t copy/cut files.

Tranvelling into the web about similar problems, I found topics about, but older than June 2008. Avast effectivly published a Fix, but evry links I found about doesn’t work anymore.

The computer affected works under Windows XP Professionnal, and I lost the intallation CD. Please, does Avast recently published a new Fix I can download ?

Thank you.


Please, do not post twice the same. Just double the help effort.

Svchost.exe can’t be trusted. Because the official or genuine is svchost.exe, all modifications or diferrence in this process are real malwares.