
Why are people permitted to swear on here? I’m sure some of the members don’t mind but I’m a Christian and I do mind. It’s sickening and uncalled for! :frowning:

If you see that…use the report button :wink:

It’s not permitted but unfortunately we can only warn and report.

Have they been showing the real word or using #$&@*& in between letters.

Some use the real word/words and some use #%&* in between letters.

Hi -midnight,

First option is to always report, swearing is a lack of words and may be offensive to some and it’s is also denigrating for those that swear.
There really is no excuse for it. We would be told to wash our mouth with soap when we were young.
English Standard Translation has:" it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”
So a little soap would not harm… ;D

Have a nice day,


As this forum is open to all that care to register, all can post here. It is not possible to prevent an user from swearing, as that cannot be foretold beforehand, but it is possible to use the report to moderator link as many times as you like to report offensive behavior or language. Seems we have trolls that come and visit just for that express reason; these sort do not care what impact they have on others here.

Second that notion on use of soap and why it should be used when appropriate.

Unfortunately in life today swearing is all to common, as a total lack of respect for anyone. It is hardly a surprise when they bring it on-line, in fact it is possibly worse, the so called anonymity of not being face to face seems to drive people further.

Whilst it isn’t encouraged or condoned, there is only so much that can be done, the use of the report to moderator link.

The few forum rules that we have don’t appear to be enough, main problem is the most don’t read them, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=93015.msg740725#msg740725 and the first rule of ‘Follow the usual netiquette.’ How many know it or bother to actually use the google link or visit and of the netiquette the links in the search. But many of these netiquette links don’t even mention swearing specifically.


If users should start from this rule

“Always treat/address others as you like to be treated/addressed”
In that case there would be a lot of problems less.
So mutual respect should always be a good starting point.

@ -midnight
Again thanks for starting this topic.


@ -midnight
Again thanks for starting this topic.

Hi polonus.

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

Not written in the brief forum rules, didn’t you read them ;D

Unfortunately that requires that A) they have read that somewhere else in one or more of the netiquette links, B) general respect for others or C) generally when under assumed anonymity some peoples manners seem to go out of the window.

Also unfortunate is that here we are preaching to the converted.

… D) Überevangelists have power to temporarily (for a week or a month) ban users for offensive language.

It’s my opinion.

Opinion, but not fact, warnings can be issued, which may or may not lead to a ban period, that is ultimately what the Report to moderator link is for.

We are watchdogs on a short leash with restricted rights and selected duties.
Doing things outside of those restrictions could have consequences.