Sygate Personal Firewall


I recently installed Sygate Personal Firewall 5.5. When Avast boots it tries to download latest updates but I get an error message that downloadserver could not be contacted.

If I try to download the updates manually (Sygate asks ofcourse the first time if the application may have access) I don’t have any problem.

Any know issues about this?

Thanks in advance

Hello Vinz

This link ( allow ICMP ) solved the problem for me.


I use SF Pro 5.5 without that problem. You shouldn’t be having this problem. the other day I got that message you describe but it was only once. I don’t think it has anything to do with Sygate. The Avast server was down, busy, and so forth. Just a temporary thing.

I have the Win32 Kernel as well as Distrubted COM Services blocked on Sygate.

But you should allow the Avast Setup and Avast Anti-virus service programs to Allow in Sygate for the auto update to work right.

Que is correct in posting that thread from the Sygate forum. Your ISP may need you to allow the Kernal and COM programs.

had same problem. right click tray icon go to start avast, menu, then settings/ update (connections) check appropriate box.

Are you talking about the auto update setting in Avast?

there is two boxes in avast update(connections) one is for dialup and the other is for a permanent connection, for some reason both were unchecked.


Well, I cannot fix the problem…
But I figured out some things… It seems only a problem when I start up my computer. I guess Avast starts before the Sygate icon appear, and I guess this will be the problem. If I am fast and start outlook before sygate appears in the tray I get an error in outlook too that it cannot download the email.

Is there a manner to start sygate in front of avast?

Thanks for all your replies, I appreciate it!

I don’t think it’s a problem with Avast because I’m not having a similar problem with Sygate. However you may be correct on your assumption on the timing.

In my Win98 system configuration window it shows Sygate (smcservice) at the bottom of the list with all the Avast stuff above it.

check out the the Sygate Support Forums and see what they say:

Anyway, Windows does not load the programs at a specific order…
If you want to control this, you must have Startup Delayer.

Incompatibility between avast! and the firewall is generally corrected by desinstalling and installing avast again (or Sygate). 8)

I agree with Technical. I would uninstall both and then reinstall both. First Avast and then Sygate on the reinstall.