Symantec shared componet

Hello everybody

When I’ve bought my last PC it was with Norton security, I’ve cleaned all the stuff to come back like my old PC to your Avast family
Since a couple of day when I start I have an announce
Symantec Shared component has stopped, as I see it is only a file in NORTON security bla bla
and it is not necessary for running with Avast
Is it right??
Thank you for your help


Nothing Symantec has anything to do with or required by avast.

A link worth looking at, which is a program removal tool that can remove the remnants of a number of different Norton Programs:
Removing your Norton program using SymNRT

A step by step, but the same as David posted…

  1. Remove NAV or Norton 360 through Add/Remove programs from Control Panel. Boot.
  2. Use Norton Removal Tool for Windows 2000/XP/Vista or Norton Removal Tool for Windows 98/Me. Boot.
  3. Install avast! (or repair the installation) and boot.

The Norton Removal Tool uninstalls all Norton 2008/2007/2006/2005/2004/2003 products and Norton 360 from your computer.

Why should I re install Avast
It seems running well a,d I have all the recent updates


After fully removing Norton it’s advisable to repair your avast installation (indeed, you don’t have to uninstall/install again, but repair would be good).

and where is the “repair” tool???


The repair Avast button is when you click uninstall in the ADD/REMOVE PROGRAM


If you have Windows 98, ME or XP, just go to the “Control Panel,” click on “Add/Remove Programs” and click on the avast entry. It will give you the repair option soon into the process. If you have Vista Home Premium the “Add/Remove Programs” is replaced by an entry called “Programs and Features.” Not sure what it is under the other versions of Vista, though. :frowning:

Best Regards…

there is only the un-install and nothing about repair…and nothing in the section “help”



Did you click on the avast entry to begin the uninstall process?

Best Regards…

No sorry but now I did it
I have

I’ve clicked on Changer = change and next
and after a short instant the reply was ideate is made…
but this changer=change is only for the preference
anyhow inch’allah should work…if not back to my Christian wording " si dieu le veut" :slight_smile:
Cheers from Paris


You need to scroll down, the Repair option is the last one, see image.

and I apologize for all that … humm … I gave you
It’s OK now
Thanks a lot, have a good day


No need to apologize, I’m glad we were able help! :slight_smile:

Best Regards…

You’re welcome, the main thing is that all is well.