every time i goon line my computer performs this and its really annoying.Ive clickedthe of box in net work settings and it wont go away is there some were else it needs the box unchecking to stopit?Plus whilst im here ii wonder if you can help herewhen i down load files from share ware sites they are allwaysd saved too windows media player when i have other media players that play them better is the any way of changing the destination of media down loads(ps its lime wire there from if that helps ?) thanks
Can you expand this I have no idea what it is you are asking, what syncronisation?
What box, what network settings?
Can you please post a screenshot of this windows and messages…?
It’s not easy to guess exactly what are you talking about.
The P2P applications allow you to set which is the destiny folder for the downloaded files (besides the temporary files folder as well).
Download managers too. With this applications you can set different folders for different type (extensions) of files.
To use other application than media player for the media files, you need to change file assotiation.
the syncronization is in the tool boxof inter net explorer and its apparantley checking my computer changes match my internet settings but it never used to be on?plus is p2p a proprammeon xp or do i need todown load it,also how do you change the file associations ,the only thing that happens when you click on my down loaded files isthey play windows media player or then it say says movie pkayer fails to load ?wats movie player ive downloaded avl and the linux but how do i use them they seem to go in izark and arezipped im really confused with all the imformation to take in,could you simplify it for me as much as you can ,thanks im sorry iim not a that clever with thesee yet ,thanks for all hel;p !!