System freezes on 98se

Hi all

My problem is after the 4.1 updates, sometimes when windows is loadin & the desktop is nearly loaded, my system looks up just as avast is about or is loadin, not sure as i cant see taskbar, it is doin this more often now & it never ever done it with the 4.0 version, sometimes takes 2-4 resets for it 2 load ok, it done it 3 times this morning when i booted pc.If i ctrl-alt-del i see that explorer is not respondin, but if i try 2 end task then it wont start again

The only real prob i had with the previous version was after diablin the resident tasks (for system cleanup ie defrag & such) when i renabled it it locked up the pc (done that by clickin the aball icon & stop all providers the same again too start them

I am runnin win98se with all updates

1 final question, i use kerio 2.15 & have too block the email scanner from TCPin access as when i do permit it, my 2 mail ports go from stealth too closed in all security scans, does it really need TCPin access cause i have it blocked the now & it doesnt seem too affect it scannin me mail

Cheers ;D

BaNzI :o

PS the only other thing loadin at startup is kerio

PPS the p2p module still dont work right, every 3 seconds it popsup scannin the dat file & it really slows things down till the pc runs out of resources

I really liked version4, but 4.1 has way 2 many niggles & bugs & the so called mew modules are just the quick scanner, i really like it & want 2 keep usin it, but all the things make it hard when most other a/v progs work ok

PPPS just recieved a mail from the head of Awill, for some reason avast mail scanner isnt lettin in 2 my inbox, but puttin it straight in 2 the deleted items folder?!?!?!!?!? Why
I have no rules made 4 that

Bump Bump ;D

BaNzI :o

try to don’t let avast start from registy
and let it run automatic start

this problem could happen
if u try to pass form pro version to home version
maybe avast now doesn’t work with your old task