I just booted up my XP ASUS netbook and I received the warning that System is unsecure. I am running 5.0.677. I did change out a cable modem today but my laptop Avast has no problem. I’m presently running an MBAM scan.
It sure would help if you went to PROFILE then Modify Profile then Forum Profile Information then select your country in Please select your country: then update your Signature: with information like my signature as this helps the helpers offer pertinent advice.
Sorry, I thought by the number 5.0.677 you’d recognize that Avast was giving warning. I am in Arkansas in the USA.
I will go to profile and update.
You and I just can’t seem to communicate. The interface page says all shields are up and system is secure.
The orange ball in the system tray is where the warning appeared although the X went away from over the ball. When one points
the cursor over it the message usually says Avast Antivirus Your system is secured.
The message on mine is Warning Your system is unsecured.
No, the unsecured warning is still above the ball in the system tray and won’t go away no matter what I do.
I am rebooting the netbook to see what happens with that. Finally it is reading system secure. I hope that isn’t going to
become a constant need.
Or perhaps something as simple as a failed definitions update. That would cause avast! to show that it wasn’t up to date, saying that your system is unsecured.
Open your Avast main/Summary GUI to see that it says “Secured” (in green on top), and that your there is a checkmark next to each item listed. If there isn’t, then you need to investigate and find out what is wrong. Perhaps you need a definition update, or you just needed to reboot your machine after a definition update (a minor glitch that happens now and again).
Also, please follow YoKenny’s suggestion in adding your Signature to your profile as it does assist us in trying to help you. You do not need to enter the State you live in for your Profile.
Let us know if you have any additional questions. Thank you.
my avast says exactly the same thing, above the ball. when i check the main prog says secure and all shields are running. it doesn’t go away. anyone any ideas? cheers.
Again, make sure the virus definitions are up to date, along with the program itself. I may be wrong, but I think that will result in the Unsecured warning.
I thought I should follow this advice too, but in my profile page there is only one option under the Modify Profile heading viz. Account Related Settings - no sign of a Forum Profile Information option. Sorry if I’m missing the blindingly obvious…
Sorry but you need 20 or more posts to modify your PROFILE as this is a precaution due to Spammers and this forum is quite liberal as most require 50 posts.
Some like Atani and dford3772 need a bit of extra coaching.
Yesterday when I first noted this Warning Machine is Unsecure message which I had not noted before I tried everything; nothing worked to remove the message from the system tray avast orange ball. I checked the interface summary page and it said all shields up and
machine was secure. I had to reboot and then the Unsecure message in the tray went away and machine is secured appeared.
Today I just booted the XP netbook up(has all svc. packs) and there the unsecure message is again!!! Interface page says all is
well just as it did yesterday.
I had noticed for a day or two that the Avast system tray ball is slow to get rid of the X but it does do it. It is 3rd after the clock in the tray and I wish it could appear first.
I am running Avast 5.0.677. Updates appear as usual. My Vista machines are showing no problems with same engine. Could this be an XP problem or it is possibly a netbook problem? Today I am leaning toward an Avast glitch and it seems ridiculous to go through
an uninstall when everything else is working perfectly.
I saw this as a minor glitch yesterday but I don’t today. I have posted 91 times on this forum and never had the confusion that this has caused. The profile area needs to define what is expected for “signature”. I am running an avast scan as I sign off.
MBAM shows no problems.
So you have a message that says “Your System is Not Secured” but when you open the GUI you find that it is?
Is this only when you hover your mouse over the ball in the lower toolbar or all the time?
What version and product of Avast are you using?
Did this happen after an upgrade, new install, new definitions update, or something else?
Are you definitions up to date?
What other security software do you have on your machine currently and in the past, including antivirus (AV), firewall (FW), and other security software?
Have you tried to reboot your machine to see if this fixes the problem?