System Restore

I use avast 4.1.357 on Windows Xp Service Pack 1. I noticed that every now and then I get a virus alert on a file in the Windows System Restore folder. Is this normal?

You can disable the System Restore and then enable it again…
This will delete the folder contents and the infected files there. avast cannot change the contents of that folder because it is protected (locked) by Windows.

Control Panel > System > System Restore

Hope this help :wink:

Ok, I disabled System restore and enabled it again and now I will see whether it helps. However when I rceived an alert about this folder and selected repair, avast did not complain about the folder being locked by windows. Why?

I think the behavior is normal. Avast can only report the blocked files… it’s not his job reporting who is blocking the file (or folder) not even un-blocking it. Try to do this job :wink:

Maybe some viruses could ‘simulate’ the same behavior and avoid cleaning but I’m not sure.