Not quite sure about the system restore, lets forget that idea for the minute. Does Avast and Windows Defender cover/deal with spyware in the same way? tpeac
I can only say how I believe avast deals with spyware, if a spyware file is found, avast alerts and you chose the option you want avast to take. If you choose move to the chest, the best option, the file will be moved to the chest, a protected area where it can do no harm. As far as I’m aware avast also checks the registry for entries related to those files and would deal with those.
If you use System Restore probably files will be left behind on avast folder. You can manually delete them.
But you don’t need to use System Restore to uninstall avast completely.
Uninstall avast from Control Panel first.
Download the latest version of Avast Uninstall and use it for complete uninstallation.
Thanks Tech, I was checking the application log just now and there are a several entries about avast it would appear that something is amiss is there any provision for help for this? If so, please tell me precisely, how to go about it. tpeac,
Hi Tech, I tried the Add or remove method the pop-up gave the options to change/uninstall/update, there was also “more information” which I clicked but there was no reactions, I also clicked the change, again no response I guess I may have been too impatient. There was also the button for PROXY which reminded me that when I first installed Avast I was trying everything to see what it said or choices it would give and I pressed “Proxy” but there was no choice it presumably set whatever in to action!
Hi DavidR Well, I did do a system restore after all I uninstalled the avast fine but got myself in a tizz, went on to a limited account to check something and tried to install avast as a run then got broken off. Now is it somehow possible to find it and finish the installation or has it gone forever?? What happens to things when the installation does not complete?? tpeac
By using the avast uninstall (the text is a link to it) too in step 3.
Because of a possible failed install, as you say you tried to install from a limited user account (I believe you can’t do that) you should run the avast uninstall utility from safe mode (
The installation would be in windows add remove programs, I assume that by control panel you mean add remove programs within the control panel.
Logged in as administrator, downloaded the Avast Uninstall utility. printed the instructions from and logged in safe mode – no trace in Add or remove.
When the program downloads on to the computer one has to select ‘run’ or ‘save’ I clicked run but, as I said I had broken off at that point so it never was actually completed. A bit like things blowing around in the air on a windy day which have not landed yet, now then can you magic it out?? tpeac
Half a sec, I get easily confused, the Avast 4 Home Edition is the one that I downloaded as a ‘run’. I downloaded the Avast Uninstall Utility as a save to the desktop, sorry didn’t know that I had to save to HDD? It’s my first attempt at a safemode.
Would it be possible to have explicit step by step instructions please.
Basically you shouldn’t download anything as Run, but save to your hard disk, or you would be on-line whilst installing an application and if you have a problem, you haven’t got a copy of what you downloaded.
I think you just said what to do.
Your desktop is a location on your Hard Disk, however I prefer to have a specific location for downloads, like C:\Downloads (a folder called Downloads on your C:\ drive) this makes it easy to find later as your desktop may be different in safe mode.
So if you saved the uninstall tool to the desktop boot into safe mode and double click on the icon for it on your desktop and that will run the avast uninstall utility, reboot when complete.
No your problem will be since you didn’t save the avast home version to your HDD you won’t have a copy of it and you will need that to reinstall. This could mean being on-line without protection whilst you download and save it, which isn’t very good.
Is there any way that I can transfer the location of the AvastUU to HDD as safe mode only shows the ‘recycle bin’
on my desktop.
If it is not possible to transfer to HDD then (1) How do I get rid of the uninstall utility on my desktop before I reinstall the AUU. (2) Put a folder for downloads on HDD?