System restore

I found System Restore wasn’t working. I suspected Avast, and did a Search on the Forum and found a thread relating to this problem. It suggested disabling Self Defence in Settings, this I did and it works. Now my question is should I enable self defence again and only disable it if I want to use System Restore?
Any help would be appreciated.
XP Service pack 3.

Which version of avast are you using…?

1 restoring your system might fail is the self defense module is activated
2 completely different thing:restore point creation might fail on some systems with the behavior shield installed. In such cases solving the problem means “uninstalling” the module.

Good morning Asyn.
The Version I am using is 5.1.889
No problems making a restore point and with Self defence disabled no problem using System Restore.

Thanks for the post, my reply to Asyn is revelent to your post.

  1. It’s around noon here, but gm to you. :wink:
  2. I had no problems with system restore while using version 5.1.889 - which other security related software is installed on your system…?
  3. This is an old workaround, which should still work, if you have problems with SR. But you should reactivate ‘self defence’ after that.

It’s Afternoon here now :slight_smile:

Other protections… Threatfire, XP Firewall, Windows Defender.

I will enable self defence and disable it if I ever want to use System Restore.
BTW what is the purpose of self defence?

  1. Threatfire could be a problem, as in 5.1.889 the behaviour shield in avast did change. Either deinstall Threatfire or remove (deinstall it, deactivating isn’t enough) the behaviour shield in avast. This could fix your problems with system restore.
  2. Self defence protects avast from being deactivated/changed by malware.

Windows Defender is not required on XP.
Get rid of Threatfire as it interferes with the Behavior Shield like Asyn says.

thanks for the explanation of the reason for self defence.
I will un-install threatfire and try a System Restore with SF activated.

Windows Defender not required on XP?

Have to go out now but will report back later.

You’re welcome…!

Not related to the problem, but true…! You should uninstall WD on XP. :wink:


Sorry to interfere but I’d like to ask a question. I installed TF several years ago because it promised to protect me against “zero-day threats”. Now I am constantly reading here that TF doesn’t really protect my computer and I uninstalled my copy of ThreatFire. That saved me 1 minute of boot-time and up to 10% of RAM. But what about “zero-day threats”? Is there a reliable free replacement for TF?

You’re not butting in and are welcome.

I have some good news and some bad news.
Firsts I uninstalled Threatfire and Windows Defender.
did a restore point and then a system restore to that point worked fine, so thought I would go to a restore point earlier than the uninstall TF and WD, bad move it reinstalled W.Defender and Threatfire, WD uninstalled again fine, but Threatfire couldn’t uninstall as bits were missing.It suggested to install a new copy, but tying to do this the installer detected Threatfire and wouldn’t install. I have deleted in progfiles all that will delete some TF.dlls won’t delete. during my doing this believe it or not Threatfire actually updated.
Oh dear!!!
Any ideas would be appreciated.

Another thing that can cause problems on Windows 7 system restore is third part Defrag software.

  1. Good…!
  2. Bad idea. :wink:
  3. You can try to undo the latest system restore…!!
  4. Or try the removal tool for TF:

Thank you Asyn.
I made a note of the files add/remove said were missing, copied them from my laptop and pasted them into Threatfire folder in Prog Files on my PC and SUCCESS!!
Thank you for your help and all who tried to help.

You’re welcome…!