Sometimes the email tags appear as an attachment, other times it is in the message body (which is my preference). I have checked all IncrediMail settings as well as avast! settings. I don’t see anything that I can change. Can you please help me so that all the tags will be inline? ???
Separating this from your other Topic on basically the same issue, just makes it difficult for those trying to help and for others with the same problem trying to find a reason/solution.
This is typically with the inbound email, but not all of it. Sometimes it appears inline and other, it’s an attachment. As far as outbound, I have yet to see the tag there. The only time I have is when I sent myself a test message.
Can you help me with this? I guess my question is why is it sometimes inline and others as an attachment? I don’t see a setting for this anywhere. :o
I have said why I feel it doesn’t effect all of it in your other topic and this is just another reason to keep this with the information in your other topic as it is very likely related.
I have since reinstalled Avast! Pro and to my surprise all email notifications are now inserted at the bottom of the email. Not sure why, but am absolutely delighted!!! Maybe it was a glitch with a Windows component. All I know is now it works as I always thought it should!
I apologize for all my previous complaints, but I guess the frustration was getting to me.
You might want to change your avatar for another, resize or use this one. We try to keep avatars around 100 X 100 for those who don’t have high resolution monitors.