We launch a “Quick Scan” task to test.
The task finished successfully in the client but in the SBC was running. ???
We launch a “Quick Scan” task to test.
The task finished successfully in the client but in the SBC was running. ???
My guess:
== Symptom ==
Sometimes there job progress bar indicates a job is running, but actually it doesn’t provide any “numeric” progress…
== Resolution ==
This behavior is by design.
== Cause ==
== Possible causes for behavior ==
One of the possible scenarios to reproduce, using default config, with multiple computers connected:
So, the administrator don’t know what machines have been “finished” the task, what machines are “pending” or what machines are “running”.
Administrator has not control about a task! ???
What happen if a task is running and a user shutdown the machine?
so its not possible on a per computer basis to see the progress bar?
This is in plans for future releases, but won’t be part of the initial version.
great to hear thats what im missing a lot in the current ADNM. Tho i totally overlooked it in the wishlist i started long time ago, any of those requests got checked out?