Task finished.

We launch a “Quick Scan” task to test.

The task finished successfully in the client but in the SBC was running. ???

My guess:

== Symptom ==
Sometimes there job progress bar indicates a job is running, but actually it doesn’t provide any “numeric” progress…

== Resolution ==
This behavior is by design.

== Cause ==

There is a time window for every job to run in. (If a scan job is started manually, the default time window configured for the job is used).

During this window, the server expects all computers on the network to report progress. If all computers are reporting their progress, you’ll see a progress bar with a numeric value indicating that “at least one computer” is reporting correctly.

If there is no update to progress from any computer in the last 30 seconds, the progress will be switched to a “rolling progress” bar.

The job will finish only when all targets report “done”

== Possible causes for behavior ==
One of the possible scenarios to reproduce, using default config, with multiple computers connected:

Connect only one of several computers to your server

Start the quick scan job

Observe the scan job to finish on the “connected” computer

When finished, observe the progress bar in the console to switch to rolling → the server is expecting more computers to report progress, but they’re not connected to the console.

So, the administrator don’t know what machines have been “finished” the task, what machines are “pending” or what machines are “running”.

Administrator has not control about a task! ???

What happen if a task is running and a user shutdown the machine?

so its not possible on a per computer basis to see the progress bar?

This is in plans for future releases, but won’t be part of the initial version.



great to hear thats what im missing a lot in the current ADNM. Tho i totally overlooked it in the wishlist i started long time ago, any of those requests got checked out?