taskmgr error

Sometimes my sistem blocks and when i press alt canc it says me that there’s a problem in taskmgr.exe. and i have to reset the system with the reset button. With avast i can’t find any viruses.

What are in your advice the possible causes??

Thank you for your help

What’s the exact message ??
What where you doing when the error happened?
What’s your operating system?
etc, etc

-i can’t remember exactly but is"an error has occured in taskmgr.exe" and then my system is blocked nd i can only reset
-opening folders or webpages (any action)
-windows xp

now with ad-aware i have found something “new” like a troian, do you think the problm could be this??

There have been a number of false positive detections with adaware in the last two days so I woulnd’t take this as gospel either without the information on what adaware found.

in fact ad aware ahve found the same objects 3 timess even if quarantined, but now it can’t find anything and the situation is quite better, it’s possible??

If I were you, I won’t stop fighting this… I suggest:

  1. Disable System Restore on Windows XP: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;[LN];310405

  2. Clean your temporary files.

  3. Schedule a boot time scanning with avast. Start avast! > Right click the skin > Schedule a boot-time scanning. Select for scanning archives. Boot.

  4. Use a-squared, ewido or Spyware Terminator (trojan removers).

the problems survived , so i have deleted the temporary files i i have cancelled a folder that seems to cause the great part of the problem8when i work with it, computer blocked), of the system. Now it seems to work all well. what do you think??

I can’t follow this… can you rephrase?
Canceled or deleted the folder? Which folder (which is the full path of it)?
Did you run avast at boot time? Start avast! > Right click the skin > Schedule a boot-time scanning > Select for scanning archives > Boot ::slight_smile: ???

i have all done.

there’s a folder with personal files that blocked the system when i opened it and when i worked with it, and i have cancelled it:recycle and empty recycle bin). i have already scanned in boot, it founds two different viruses in two different scan sessions, i put them in the basket but the problem remained.

now, after the operation i have described you at the beginning of the post it seems to be all ok.

Ok… glad you’re clean now 8)

i hope: thank you for help

Unfortunately problems continue,and now, i have tries to install ipod software that i bought today abd system tell me about an error installer and i can’t istall it, what can i do…???help

do you think is surely a virus that avast doesn’t find or it can be an other kind of problem???

Until you can supply us with exact information as to your error messages,
we are only guessing.

io’ve just told you the message!! “an error as occured in taskmgr.exe” this is the message

Unfortunately problems continue,and now, i have tries to install ipod software that i bought today abd system tell me about an error installer and i can't istall it, what can i do..???help
That's has nothing to do with a task manager error. ??? ???

yes, but the original and most important problem is the my sustem has a paralysis opening and closing folders very often…

i’k not espert buttafter downloading ewido as suggested ewido had found trojan and others high risk things, but at a precise moment of the scan session ewido close automatically(and at the beginning it appears error messsages). At this point(i think that the problem of al is that trojan that resist to ewido(spy…terminator hadn’t found anything, only traking cookies).

can you help me??

You may be at a point where the safest and smartest thing is to re-install and
start all over agin.

ok, i ahve to download windows xp sp2 pro from a p2p program and than reistell all it right??

what can you suggest m for the future as ant-pyware-firewall and anti-vurus, also apying

now i have avast free