I dl TB 2 today. Since, I keep receiving the attached error every time I try to osend an email

Does this ring any bells ?

Domain: tedata.net

Is this your ISP or one you are sending email to ?

Does TB 2.0 anti-spam use the sbl-xbl…spamhaus.org black list ?

yes for both questions :-\

So… I think you need to add an exception to the spam list, or better, add a white address for your ISP.
Am I dreaming?

Well you can’t do anything about the spamhaus.org black list though you should be able to add the tedata.net to TBs anti-spam. You should most certainly report this to your ISP if it is black listed at spamhaus.org they will need to chase this up as you won’t be the only one effected.

Though, it may be a little more complex than that, it could be an email server (not your own) that you are sending email to that is blocking tedata.net and that server hasn’t been given in the error.

Are you able to send any email ?
If Tech’s suggestion to add tedata.net to the white list doesn’t work, it is likely to be another server blocking tedata.net.

This seems to be similar in that it would appear an ISP is blocked by another black list tool http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t7416.html, a google search for email server error 571 returns many hits, http://www.google.com/search?q=email+server+error+571