TCP/IP time out while recieving large mails


I get always tcp/ip timeout with pegasus mail, when I recieve emails with a large attachments.
I used symantec virus checker before. There I could enable an simulated incomming traffic. Is there such an option as well?

Thanks for your help,
Dirk Bassiere

Can you increase the time out delay within pegasus mail, like on OE.

Not sure what you mean by simulateed incomming traffic?

You can increase the avast! timeout as well.
Into Internet Mail provider Advanced tab of settings.
Or, if you use MS Outlook, on its avast! plugin at the same Advanced tab of settings. :slight_smile:

In pegasus you can see the status of the incomming mail in %.
When I use avast, this status jumps from 0 to 100% even with large mails.
When I use symantec, this status at the beginning slowly increases and jumps to 100%, when the whole mail is recieved and scanned.
I called this simultated traffic. Perhaps it is something else.

I set the timeout to 240s. This is at the moment enough for the largest mail, I recieved until now. But the way symantec handles this problem is more convientent and I wanted to know, whether this feature is also build in avast.

I think not… maybe it’s a good suggestion for the next version 8)

Or you can turn off the timeout option in avast! – remove the tickmark… see photo below:

Yes, there is something like this. The mail scanner sends every 10 seconds a fake header line to the client during the time it downloads the mail.