I downloaded the professional edition on my windows xp it was the 4.1.357. It was doing the scan on the start up and it froze while doing it. Now when I long on to my computer it keeps getting froze when my destop comes up. How can I fix this?
Version 357 has a bug that can freeze the computer during a scan of the boot sector.
You need to disable the “boot scan” at startup from the main user interface until the next build is released. It should be out very soon.
How do I disable the boot scan at startup if it frezzes up when I get there. After I log in and the desktop icons load the system freezes.
Can you start in Safe Mode?
If so, uninstall Avast, Reboot system and check functionality.
Then do a clean install of Avast. When you load the interface, uncheck the Boot scan option.
Let me know what happens.
AND… Please do not start a new post for each of your replies. Add your reploy under the same post you originally started.
Sorry about that. I am real new to this. This may sound like a dumb question, but how do you start in safe mode?
Generally, pressing F8 key ‘before’ the OS load and choosing the ‘safe mode’.
Which is your operational system?
The problem with the scan at boot time will be corrected in next update (probably on tuesday) but I think you may get access to your windows installation to use the update and correct the problem.
Probably Tuesday if everything works fine 8)
The topics have been merged - so some posts may look duplicite – sorry for that.
Version 357 has a bug that can freeze the computer during a scan of the boot sector. You need to disable the "boot scan" at startup from the main user interface until the next build is released.
Ehm, did I miss something? What bug are you refering to, exactly? I’m not aware of any bug in boot-sector scanning…
BTW I believe that 426720’s problems are unrelated to the boot-time scanner: the freezes are 99% by a conflicting program installed on his machine. 426720, do you have any other antivirus program installed on that machine (Norton, for instance)? If so, you need to remove it (or remove avast) – otherwise it won’t work. To do the uninstall, please boot the machine in Safe Mode (keep pressing F8 just before Windows starts booting).