Tenga Infection

Hello Friends,

I have installed the home version on 2 of my home computers.

Both the computers are connected by peer to peer lan. For the past 3 months I was really happy using Avast Home.

But… for the past three days, I have been receiving warnings about the TENGA virus from Avast. They are exe files, how can I delete them?

And repair does not work ( I did not run VRDB earlier)

Now…PLEASE!!! I need your help, people!
How should I go about removing this Tenga virus?

This virus has also infected the Avast exe files also…How is this possible? Just wonderig…should the exe files not have auto protection?

I was very happy with avast…and I plan to stick with it no matter what! I would like to solve this problem.

Also one more virus that is coming is Valla32
Same problem.
I ran the standalone Avast Cleaner, but tenga comes back in SECONDS!

Please help me guys!
A Faithful Avast User! :slight_smile:

The repair for Tenga should work even without VRDB.
Maybe the infection is coming from the network? The Cleaner should certainly get rid of the infection (if you let it finish its scan and don’t work on the computer in between!) - but if the other computer is infecting the files back through open shares during the cleaning, it can’t do much about it. Try to disconnect the computers before starting the Cleaner (on both of them).

This forum is Cool!
People really are there to help others!

I have a friend aslo who just called me 5 minutes back, I had recommended avast to him a month back.

Even his machines at home are infected with Tenga, and he has 5 computers in his home lan, one for each of the floors in his home.

Does this mean that we will have to disconnect ALL the machines and then run Avast, or Avast Cleaner?

After we clean the computer, all of them when we reconnect them, will there be a chance of the virus coming back?

Do we run Avast antivirus or Avast cleaner?

Thanks again for your quick answer.

:slight_smile: Hi “Super” :

 Hopefully you have more protection on the computer(s)
 other than just an antiVIRUS !? How about antiSPYWARE,
 antiTROJAN, & a 2 - way firewall ? You have failed to
 mention the name(s) of the Operating System(s) ?


I am so sorry for not mentioning my operating system.

I am using windows 98 second edition.

No anti spyware

And anti Trojan? Does Avast not take care of Trojans?

Tell me, should I run Avast Antivirus or Avast cleaner?

For Tenga, the Cleaner should be enough (and maybe slightly better, actually).
You should disconnect the computers from each other, and also from the rest of the network for that.
However, if you “control” only some of the networked computers, and have open shares on your disk for the other ones, it’s easily possible that the other ones will reinfect your files afterwards… I.e. it’s necessary that all the computers are clean and protected.