Terrible customer support

Hello everyone,
I’m running out of ideas and I’m hoping this would help.

I’m one of many new customers of this software but I’m starting to regret the purchase already.
I’ve been trying to get hold of sales department for the last 15 days and I’ve submitted two tickets during that time. I keep getting acknowledgement of receipt of those tickets but still haven’t received a reply about the posted question.

I was wondering if anyone here had a similar experience dealing with the customer service?

I even tried the phone support, but was told that they can answer technical questions but no sales support.

Any other email address that I can directly send an email to?
Any other ideas?

You can ask your questions for support here, What is the problem you are having ?

A few days after purchasing the software, it was being offered at a reduced (50%) price. The support ticket I submitted asked how I could benefit from that offer since it has been less than 30 days since my purchase. Also, the purchase came with a 30 days return guarantee. If I were to cancel my paid subscription, how would I go about doing that?


Thank-you for your help, I’ll try this route.

The link directs me to a form which submits another ticket to the support but this time as a business support ticket.
I fail to see how this would be treated any different.
Apologies if I sound brash but it has been precisely 16 days since my purchase. Another couple of weeks and the company won’t have to refund my subscription fee, let alone answer a simple question directed toward the support staff.

The real question is why do you regret buying it?
You could have used a trial version or the free version to see if you like avast or not.
If you have a problem with avast, why not tell the problem and ask for help?

Depending on the problem/question, I always get a answer within a day or 3 if I use the contact form.
And no, it is not a business support ticket that it sends.
You are wrong about that.
It is a contact form for every customer, business, private, non-commercial etc. etc.

Three days eh?
Seeing that I don’t have any other option I’ll wait to see if one of my three tickets gets a response.
I respectfully disagree about me being wrong and to prove that, I’ve attached a screenshot of the receipt of acknowledgement, which clearly states that the ticket has been directed towards the department for Business Sales.

I’ve already mentioned in my second post on this thread as to what my issue is. All I wanted to know initially was how I could cancel the subscription within 30 days as promised during purchase. Again, the reason for that is mentioned in that post.
Thank-you for trying to help.

So you go back to a store after you bought something and they change the price for it a week (or whatever) later?
Looks to me like you just want to profit from the discount.

If a car dealer has exactly two identical cars and you buy one for e.g. $5000 and someone else buys the other for $4000 a week later…
Do you really think the car dealer will give you $1000 back?
Get a clue…

I says DEPARTMENT, not business ticket.
There is a huge difference there.
Ofcourse it should be handled by their business department since you bought a license.

I ask you again. What is the real problem besides you being to try cheep?

Well, I did not seek you out for help and I fail to see how being “avast! Evangelist, Serious Graphoman” whatever that entails, gives you any right to insult me.

a) Car dealers here don’t have a 30 day return guarantee
b) I assume I’d get a clear and timely response from the store attendant/car dealer
c) You were wrong, telling me I was wrong

Of course I’m trying to profit from the discount. Hell, I wouldn’t even care if they came back to me saying I couldn’t benefit from the offer. All I needed was some sort of response, any response. I’m bitter out of principle.

If you have no way of assisting, please refrain from replying, as I assume few forum members may already have done.

You are clearly have a reading problem.

a) I never said that.
b) You will if you have asked in a nice way. Just have a bit of patience. You are not their only customer.
c) I am right. It is NOT a business support ticket that you have send.

I (and GraigB) did try to assist you, but it is not my fault that you don’t understand how things are working.

It was your own free will decision to purchase avast for that price.
You could have waited to see if later on there was a cheaper offer.

My reading problem seems less serious than your writing problem. Each of the counter arguments you’ve made fail to do exactly that, argue.
What do you mean it’s not a business support ticket? I have a ticket ID at the top of that email, it shows up in the list of tickets I have submitted and the sales department reads “Business Sales”.

As stated earlier, I’ll wait.
I’ll go back to waiting for a response from avast, my initial option before deciding to signup for the forum. That, I must say, was a mistake on my part.

Might have a look here;

Thanks dsscot, I’ll have to read through that thread a little later…

Looks to me like you posted your topic in the wrong section of the forums as what you posted in looks like the server section of the forums, unless your trying to run it on a server however that detail wasnt included in your original post.

My bad for posting what I posted in the wrong section of the forums. I’m new here and actually did not
know where to post my original question.
However before posting, I did read through a few sections before posting my question.
After I had posted my original question, I began to run thru the forums and topics and (should have
done a bit “more” of that, before posting, I know) and then I found a similar question to what I was asking
and an easy fix to my “issues”.

And also I should have figured out how to “reply” instead of copy and pasting…have it figured out now. :wink:

Yesterday i sent a complain and havent received the answer
miriam benbassat

Just some general advice, posting your email in a publicly available forum could get your email address harvested and end up on spam lists.

So you could either remove it or obfuscate it miriam(remove)benbassat (at) gmail (dot) com.

Unless your problem/issue is confidential/personal then I suggest that you create your own new topic (outlining the issue, with details on avast version, Operating System, etc.) and we will try and help.

It appears that people want instant gratification. ::slight_smile:

I feel your pain. I have a paid subscription and diligently update the software whenever Avast requested it. This last upgrade caused my Outlook not to work. They changed some settings that originally allowed it to work just fine. When I called support they told me the only way that they would fix the problem they caused was if I paid them $180.

What was once a good company to work with has become completely disreputable. It happens. Too bad. Probably some new ruthless management trying to hold their current customer base hostage. These little minds often kill a company before the company is able to regain its sanity. I have seen company after company perish after instituting unscrupulous tactics like this. Luckily, there are plenty of excellent competitors out there. :frowning: