To-day especially in the USA Internet users feel like goldfish in a bowl, transparent, and for instance do you know if your ISP is not interfering for instance with your BitTorrent downloads, better find out and take the test.
Some ISPs don’t manipulate traffic all the time, but only at peek times to reduce bandwidth usage, so it is possible that at the time of the test it wasn’t at that time.
This is something that I don’t have to worry about my bandwidth on dial-up wouldn’t appear on the radar ;D
So bob3160 should re-do his ComCast test while on peak-hours (what is that in New Mexico?), it takes only 4 or 7 minutes of his time to re-confirm. When are you being delivered from hanging onto the old Bell line, if I was you by now I started to dig my own coax to the next hub,
I have been trying to do this ever since Polonus posted this but the first 3 attempts failed due to high traffic on their servers. Finally, I get the tests to run and there is no throttling.
Not that it matters since, like David, dial-up does all the throttling needed and then some. :
That is relatively useless if you are from US/Canada. We know exactly which US and Canadian ISPs are interfering with BitTorrent and how do they actually do that.
If you are from above mentioned countries, the accuracy and reliability of overseas site has also been called into question. Essentially, it is a commonly held belief that the sheer distances involved, and the resulting packetloss / jitter / latency, can often cause false positives.
There is a tool for this for the advanced security users, you have to have Python installed on Windows, you can download it from sourceforce and it is called Switzerland 0.0.5.
Internetusers that wanna know if their ISP is manipulating internet traffic, by injecting packets or otherwise, can check this with this specific program. It has been developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) that checks if neutral packets get to the user, that is why the name Switzerland.
The open source software that is free, uses a P2P-like architecture. that a client uses to monitor a server. If the packets are manipulated in any form the user will get a visible warning that his information is tampered with. Switzerland is available for both Windows and Linux, is still in the alpha stage and only works in the command line tool, that why it is mainly thought to be used by advanced security users, because it is open software EFF expects easier to be used offshoots will be available for us in the coming future. Available for specific geeks here: