Test Pc flank

[i]Hi. I have a query. as I fix this, I have Avast IS

how configure my firewall[/i]

Are you sure the AIS firewall is “on”?
I’m seeing an ad/redirect for AdAware in your screenshot.
You may have a software conflict.

Uninstall AdAware asap…
You will find vendor uninstallers here…

Yes, the firewall is On… and AdAware not installed on my pc…

Without cookies the internet does not work, where did you get the test data from ?

test PC Flank… Is normal for the browser send information such as test say?

It is nice for a little scaremongering. Basically it means nothing. I empty my cookies automatically when the browser closes so I have no concerns

I am running the other tests just for fun :slight_smile:

ahahah… thanks essexboy… see you