Testing and Command not supported

I gave anti-Theft a try (I uninstalled the AV part)

My device is a rooted Motorola MB525 Defy.
I installed in stealth/rooted mode and hid the app with my digit code. Very cool, dialling the code to get the interface to pop up!

Anyway, I set the remote control SMS contacts thing to two of my friends, but didn’t tick the “only allow friends commands”

I decided to give it a test, and sent an SMS to myself with 9999 REBOOT. I got a message back saying “Command not supported, Battery 69%”

Fair enough, though I thought maybe it should work, being rooted and not having the “only allow friends commands” ticked.

I added my own number to the friends list and tried again. To be honest, I don’t remember for sure if it still said “command not supported” that time around!

After that I tried the 9999 LOCATE command, and sure enough, the GPS turns on and I start getting sporadic SMS with google map links! Yay! So then I sent 9999 FOUND and got “Command not supported, Battery 68%”

Uh oh!

The texts just kept on coming as accuracy improved, and coming and coming!

So I went back into the app menu and turned off anti-Theft. I’m not sure whether that stopped it, but I did get a few more location link messages before getting a final message, saying something like “location complete”

So my question is, how come the FOUND command didn’t work for me?

Sure those commands are working properly? They did change update to locate so they mightve changed the other as well.

I was just following the example commands in the Help section built into anti-theft

thats really strange we are not generating this messages. also when we stop the LOCATEs we do not send any “end of locate” confirmation message. are you sure you are using anti-theft standalone and you do not have any other anti theft tool installed?

can you please post the EXACT replies you’re getting?

haha, well this is a little embarrassing!

Turns out I had SeekDroid lite installed too, forgotten all about that! Looks like Avast didn’t even get the chance to activate as when I removed SeekDroid and tried LOCATE again, I got the text with the Avast website URL to go to instead

Normal service has resumed!