Testing Anti-Theft, feedback good & bad... + my sugestions

I am testing Avast Anti-Theft v2.0.2589 on 2 phones ( WIFI +3G ) and one tablet ( WIFI only ) with Locate comand running ( transmit location every 1h-15min )
what I found until now:


  • work ok.
  • when I am at home in my WIFI range Avast switch WIFI ON even phones are on 3G, this save my bill costs because I have only 10M of 3G data trafic included on subscription.


  • battery life visible low after installed Anti-Theft ( Avast Antivirus included removed ).
  • after night when phones ( fully charged ) are switched to Airplane ON, in the morning I found with battery significantly drained.
    With location set at 15 min I found today my phone battery at ~18%.


  • when phone cant get GPS lock to transmit location or when communication it is OFF ( WIFI & 3G ) to save first locked position posibble on phone and be able to tramsmit later the full log saved ( on WIFI or 3G ).
  • a function to save GPS location at user interval on phone/SD card but to not transmit this data and user to be able to retrive ( WIFI/3G/USB…) this data later and show on map, for phones/tablets without 3G full time connection subscription.

Developers thank you for good & hard work.

Something is wrong…

I made some test with SMS on Vodafone Smart 2 ( Phone had activated Location track at 15’ ) and this is what hapened:

I Sent tests SMS:
Siren ON - ok, turned of by PIN ok.

Locate - not possible because phone already have Active Location track - I don’t find this normal, SMS must have high priority in case of emergency and receive requested location at that time even Location is continue.

Call back - ok, phoned was in stand by; phone display can’t be turned ON, and after call closed display light.

Locate Stop - ok

Locate - ok

Now problems start:

Lock - phone displayed lock message and when I try to enter PIN crashed and I had full acces to phone, at this point it is possible to uninstall the program with the sw I already have in phone like Lucky patcher…

  • I restarted phone ( OFF/ON ) lock was on, I was able to enter PIN even some error message come on but I told to wait and not close the app.
    After unlocked, 3G did not worked, was disabled, I try to enable but without success. Phone was unable to connect to Avast server on WIFI or 3G.
    ( I have to mention here that I have installed DATA ON/OFF from market, if this count… )
    At some point after few restarts I succed to reenable 3G from phone menu but Anti-Theft can’t communicate with server…

Locate 15’ - ok, I receive SMS from phone at every 15’, problem location is not updated on Avast server. Phone still can’t communicate with Avast server.

Locate Stop - ok, phone still can’t communicate with Avast server, 3G is on I can browse with Delphin.

Something is very wrong:
I am unable to send command from Avast Account - web to device Vodafone Smart 2 - rooted.

What I did:

  • from phone account menu I disconnected from web account

  • reconnected - but no change

  • tested connection from phone menu - no response from web

  • deleted device from web account

  • reconnected - device reapear on web but still phone can’t receive commands from Avast web

  • tested connection from phone menu - no response from web

Any idea ?

regarding battery: if you have continuous location tracking ON of course this will drain your battery. GPS uses up quite lots of power.

regarding crash: can you please reproduce the problem, then go to the feedback screen within Anti-Theft and create a support case and attach the system log to it? In the comment drop a message that they should send the case to Reinhard.

PS: regarding the issue with connecting to web: it seems that something is then wrong on your device, our servers are online round the clock and reachable. Did you enable avast! firewall and block Anti-Theft? or are you using some other tool that blocks the data traffic?

I don’t have installed avast! firewall, I uninstalled avast!! and keep & use only Anti-Theft.

As firewall I use Droidwall but I tested with him disabled/uninstalled and no luck ( it have the same settings it had when Anti-Theft worked before lock ).

Interesting that avast web see my phone online but can’t send commands ( phone no response ) and if I test communication from phone the phone did not get any reply from your web.

I succed to solve but I am not sure if this a “cure”:

After I uninstalled Anti-Theft ( with Luckypatcher ) I tested other similar programs ( …android lost - I really liked the take picture option ) and reinstalled Anti-Theft but with other name and activated Anti-Theft from web not form phone. Now comunication from web it is working.


  • It is possible to activate communication data 3G by SMS commands on a device with Anti-Atheft in stand by ( NOT locked ) ? If answer it is positive how ?
  • Any chance to implement take picture commands in the future ?

thank you.

  • yes you can turn on 3G (on rooted phones) if you set the protection behavior “force data connection” → then you send LOST command to phone and it will turn 3G on
  • yes it is already implemented but not yet released

I don’t want to Lock the phone, just to be able to turn on 3G remote to start location tracking…

there is no such dedicated command yet but if you disable “lock phone” protection behavior the phone will not lock when you send the LOST command!

At this moment I have installed only Anti-Theft with a changed name ( advanced instalation );
If I look with some sw explorer what files I have in my phone I can see under disguised name of Anti-Theft this:
Package name: com.avast.android.antitheft

Any chance that in the future release this can be changed, so no trace about real program are left for thief ?


thx for previous tip but I have to change to many setting not only Lock phone; only to activate the data connection, maybe in the future you can implement this command only without disabling other Anti-Theft setting:

Deny Program Manager Access: Yes
Lock Phone Settings: Yes
Prevent USB Debugging: Yes
Force Data Connection ON: Yes
Thorough Wipe: No
Lock Phone: Yes
Low Battery Notification: No
Only Allow Friend Commands: No


I have a prototype of package name changing, but I don’t think it will be used in the near future since as it is now, package name changing might break a LOT of things. Those things must be addressed first and I really don’t know when that will be, sorry.


+1 for option to rename package
also a similar app i used a while back on my windows phone was able to take photos (both forward/back facing) and record sound and video, when (if) will avast support this?

stay tuned - it will come :slight_smile:


I changed the name of the package and it is working for me.

uh thats dangerous and can cause a lot of strange bugs! note that this is NOT SUPPORTED by us.