After a VM issue that I am looking into, I downloaded the Comodo BO Tester and Comodo Memory Guardian, both free tools and I have put various mem consumong executables there to test issues whenever mem drastically is being enhanced, because of Stack execution,
Heap Execution, Ret2LibC. (The program exists for 64 bits as well). C.M.G. will alert to sudden buffer overflow cases and allow the user to kill them or allow them.
After some testing and having it on my machine longer I will report back to you here,
Comodo CIS has already included Comodo BO Tester and Comodo Memory Guardian into the latest version they call it Memory Firewall: Cutting-edge protection against sophisticated buffer overflow attacks.
Edit: Comodo Memory Guardian doesn’t exist any more because you are testing a very old version which I have just already check at the Comodo forum website.
It is a shame actually that all comes in suites to-day, you cannot make up your own brew of desired stand-alone tools to make up your own layered defense model.
I just want a stand-alone two-way firewall, a intrusion detection program like ThreatFire, connection monitoring tools, log analyzing tools, bot activity detection, in-browser security extensions, etc, one resident av-solution, additional anti-malware detection.
I can understand that the newbie welcomes a ready made solution as the average user gets these overbloated suites to-day from the major vendors of security solutions, well, my friend, I like to make my own pick and for good reasons that I have established myself and I. One of the reasons while I left Comodo firewall. One of the reasons I enjoy a security tweakable browser like Firefox or Flock (NoScript, RP, ABP. CSP etc.),
No I do not want a sheep with five legs, I want it to fly!
yeah OK that’s your choice but you’re aware that you’re running completely outdated and discontinued software; as said it’s in CIS now taken to much improved levels of protection.