Testing for Possible Smiley Swap for (8) Bug

(1) Line One
(2) Line Two
(3) Line Three
(4) Line Four
(5) Line Five
(6) Line Six
(7) Line Seven
(8) Line Eight
(9) Line Nine
(10) Line Ten

THERE! It always does it. Whenever I do a numbered sequence that reaches to 8 items … the Shade-wearing Smiley is substituted for the #8 in parenthesis. Of course, now I know why that is. Because when one uses the Shade-wearing Smiley, the Code for it is actually an 8 and the Closing Parenthesis. But, but how is anyone supposed to accomplish a numbered sequence in parenthesis that reaches 8 items … without a Shade-wearing Smiley appearing? ??? What a conundrum.

Place a blank after the 8 and before the parenthesis.

Ahhh, but it will throw off the Masterpiece-ness of my format. ;D
I guess I’ll just have to use Brackets.

The following format is actually much neater and fixes the smiley “bug” :slight_smile: 8)

( 01 ) Line One
( 02 ) Line Two
( 03 ) Line Three
( 04 ) Line Four
( 05 ) Line Five
( 06 ) Line Six
( 07 ) Line Seven
( 08 ) Line Eight
( 09 ) Line Nine
( 10 ) Line Ten

Whatever was wrong with:
8. for conventional list numbering where () aren’t used until sub level numbering.

And, Chim, if you decide to use brackets instead of parenthesis, it’s easier to do since no shift key is needed. 8)

nobbc Line Eight[/nobbc]

Use nobbc tag - [nobbc][nobbc][/nobbc][/nobbc], for example, [nobbc]nobbc Line Eight[/nobbc][/nobbc] makes the line above. 8)

True, but since I seldom use the Brackets, I never immediately know where they are. Well, I mean, I do know the general area, but not enough to where I can type them without stopping my flow of typing … removing my view from the screen to look at the keyboard for the Brackets. The Parenthesis I CAN type without looking.

That slight slowdown detour aside, the Brackets do look like the best, quickest alternative option.

Genius! Pure Genius!
Can I ask what “nobbc” stands for? If I know what it stands for, it would make it easier for me to remember. Otherwise I might have to resort to chanting “nobbc” 100 times right now and hope that it gets etched in my mind.

No BBC, the No I guess is self explanatory, the bb refers to bulletin board (of name for forums, etc.) and I’m making an assumption the c is for characters, making No Bulletin Board Characters between the opening and closing nobbc tags ???

Where is your friend, Google, David? ??? It means no Bulletin Board Code…oops…Bulletin Board Code. :wink:

NOT using abbreviations is a great way to avoid confusion… :slight_smile:

Too lazy to look, my SWAG (Scientific Wild Assed Guess) seemed to work ;D close enough for Government work ;D

No way round using abbreviations when talking of a code Tag ;D