A BIG THANK YOU To everyone who helped me understand where to find the “User’s Manual” and also alerting me to the fact that if I wanted the truly automated Virus handling like I had with Norton’s (RIP), one must
have the Professional Edition of Avast. (12-9-2003 Thread)
The more I use this program, the more I appreciate and understand the fact that it is actually evolving from user input. AWESOME!
FYI… I also found the Avast AntiVirus User Manual by right clicking on
the little VRDB ball and choosing “What is Avast VRDB?” It’s a very well organized and searchable manual.
Well, I’d better go check the post-Christmas shopping budget and see
if the funds are there for upgrading to the Pro Version. Once again…
Thanks to Everyone and Happy / Safe Holidays To All !
Bert Turner, HBBO