that ***ing Conduit !! I just sent CNET a PROBLEM REPORT

“Conduit” browser hijacker

I just sent CNET a problem report that their download contains malware.

Thank you to Magnus and Polonus for helping over last night and today to finally get rid of that Conduit tool bar home page hijacker which somehow got through using CNET Downloads for a CNET Editor highly rated program called Free PDF to Word.

I DID UNCHECK all add-ons that were presented during the setup. This has taken hours and hours of Avast team time volunteering and my time.

Everyone should beware of this uninvited nuisance and invasive Conduit and tell CNET to check their stuff…they are highly trusted!!

Hi Karen R,

We are up against this htxp://
and those that bundle are promised to I quote here:

Get $3000 for your first 5000 installs

Yep. they even have the nerve to claim this

We've earned the Safe Download certification from TRUSTe, which means you can upload your software in a secure environment, with no malware or risks.

The following tool can uninstall this and similar junkware:

Junkware Removal Tool has the ability to remove the following types of programs:

Ask Toolbar
Browser Manager
Claro / iSearch
Coupon Printer for Windows
Facemoods / Funmoods
Web Assistant
When run, Junkware Removal Tool will remove all traces of these programs including their files, Registry keys, and folders.


Wow thank you Polonus…I feel bad that you volunteers must use your time to assist people with this issue of Conduit.

Look how many steps it took me and Magna last night and today to remove…NOT simple !!

The forum members need to protest to Trust e about this - you should start a pinned thread with their email address to protest!

Everyone who has been assaulted by Conduit should write how many hours it took them to remove.

Hi Karen R,

I had an OS cleansed from this pest in the past as well. So I know what you went through.
Somehow Conduit’s “junkcreants” seem to get away with bundling this crap presented as a harmless toolbar extension.
Only adware cleansing software seems to flag it, else Conduit may sue the pants out of those that dare to label this as a persistent malcode,
and even seem to get away with this.
We have grown into such a twisted situation now that non-legit software can outvote real legit software from hosters to let the “crap only bunch” rule the planet.
So users have to watch out what’s happening here in this “free for all where money rules” to be able to finally stand their ground and steer free from these annoyances.


I just sent a DISPUTE to TRUSTe with a request to DE-certify

Dear K Russell,

Thank you for submitting your report via TRUSTe’s Feedback and Resolution System. Your request (#28339) has been received, and is being reviewed. We will contact you within the next 14 calendar days concerning the next steps (usually it only takes 1-2 business days, but can take longer depending on the volume of reports TRUSTe is handling).

If you have any additional questions or comments concerning your complaint, please reply to this email directly, or follow the link below:

TRUSTe Compliance Team

Kmrussell, Nov 29 10:42 (PST):

Conduit is a browser hijacker and we are complaining to you because you certify them as safe? I have spent almost 2 days with an antivirus volunteer team to remove Conduit out of my system. We have a thread going about them in the Avast forums and are angry. CNET has many complaining reviews calling it Malware see here the complaints;6&refresh=1385747447490#rateit