the blue icon doesn't appear in the taskbar

the problem is when i turn on my computer, sometimes the blue icon in the taskbar doesn’t appear and the antivirus not work and i need know.
what is the problem?

What do you mean the anti-virus doesn’t work as the system tray icon isn’t the avast protection but an interface to it ?

  • Does the avast ‘a’ icon (when it does appear) have a red circle with a bar over the icon ?

  • What avast processes are running in Task Manager, they begin with ash or asw, see image ?

  • Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

not the problem is that sometimes I turn on that computer the blue ball that appears on the taskbar doesn’t appear and then start the antivirus will not start but what I know is that this happens sometimes because then restart the computer and there are if the icon and start the antivirus I need to know why this happens and if you have any solution please

Please, answer the third question of David.
It’s difficult to guess what is happening without further information.
Which is your operational system? And firewall?