Is there any good reason why avast is always, and I do mean ALWAYS, connected to my computer with an established open port? IP usually around but the block varies. If I close off 52, it will come back with 53, etc. The remote host name changes a little with the numbers in front, but, right now, it’s
If I close the port, within 60 seconds, it is back. If I firewall the connection, it messes with my other connections.
I don’t understand why any program needs to be connected continuously. This includes when I’ve been idle for several hours (like when watching a movie on TV – not computer) and doing nothing on the computer, no other open programs, etc., but it’s always there with it’s open established connection. Never in any other state except “established” connection. Needless to say, I don’t like this, and unless there is a fix, a workaround, or a very good reason, then I’m going to uninstall avast and find another virus program. Thanks for any info you can give!
Even the most aggressive programs don’t require a continuous connection to the server for an update. I have update set to check for updates ONCE every 8 hours. That does not require a continuous connection. So, please don’t give me the reason of the massive amount of streaming updating required to keep the program current. That isn’t logical or reasonable. If Avast is having so much trouble getting streaming updates completed, perhaps they shouldn’t have everyone using their program continuously connected to their servers!
I still haven’t heard of a reasonable explanation or FIX.
Last but not least, in seeking perfection, we will release the Continuously streaming update (CSU) technology or, in other words, we will see 300 to 400 daily virus definition updates, almost one each 3.75 minutes, 24/7, 365 days a year.
I understand the concept of “the cloud.” Does it sound like I don’t know anything about computers? But I don’t want a cloud hanging over my head all the time. I’ve used Avast for years and years, since it was a baby company and just getting started. But, now, every time the program updates, I have to go to Control Panel > Uninstall > Change, then take off the latest bloat ware from Avast. Now, this continual connection. Maybe it’s what others want and like, but I want a program that does its job, unobtrusively, and doesn’t constantly annoy me.
Since my last post, I uninstalled Avast (and left a lot of trash on my computer and in the registry). I’m trying BitDefender. Initial impression is very positive. It actually connected for an update, then closed the connection! What a concept! I don’t have a huge desktop gadget. I don’t have bloatware taking up RAM.
You all have fun under your cloud. I don’t want it.
Sorry but I dont see how its bothering you? Its a security product and part of it providing security is to be as up to date as possisble, now if there were a reason such as limited bandwidth per month I would understand but not wanting avast AV to be connected for updates is a bit outlandish to me.
If you change your program update settings from “automatic” to “manual” you choose when program updates happen, and what is added to your machine. Use a custom install and control what you use.
Bitdefender uses cloud/streaming updates, exactly the same as avast , it is a constant connection just as you already had.
Cloud services can be turned off in program settings, if you feel the urge to do so
I don’t see what’s so obtrusive about a permanent connection - I would see a new connection every minute more obtrusive (more overhead etc.)
Thinking that it’s enough to get virus definition updates every 8 hours is naive. The malware world is much more dynamic than that - a webpage gets compromised, turned into redirection and landing pages - and those pages last for a few hours or less. So the definitions you get after 8 hours are useless (the blocked pages don’t exist anymore anyway), and you were not protected during the few hours that actually mattered. So yes, the continuous updates are very important.