CHART OF THE DAY: Surprise! Microsoft Has Sold 3 Times As Many Windows 7 Licenses As All Apple Products Combined
Good news for Microsoft. And peace of mind to that users that get continue bashed to use a Microsoft OS ;D
Now, the bad news for them:
Well, in some way that is slightly flawed IMO, since win 7 was a new thing, and generally the i devices were already established so it may not be fair.
Ok there may have been some new i releases, but win 7 covers a bigger base than them I think.
OT: The QR thing? ;D One for you
yeah concerning Bing, that’s another story, it’s never been a mystery that Microsoft was a poor Internet performer… and I’m afraid that won’t change as long as the entire leading crew there hasn’t retired.
off topic:
… just for fun, it contains the same info as in my sig… I’ll probably remove it soon
Yeah, I know, and the one I posted has a response ;D
Regarding graphs like these in general, I don’t really tend to take what they say too literally, since it can be made to show whatever you want to really, depending on how exactly you want them to look.
For instance, expand/stretch the time axis, and it may look like they are closer or whatever.
… and if we really compare “apples” to “apples”… then we compare Windows market share to MacOS… and as usual, that hurts ;D
… this one might fit cause I could choose the size… unfortunately not the case with the generators I got on iOS that do huge codes. I think I found a nice (and free) generator and fully customizable one for Windows.
Yeah, that is another thing, since it isn’t really a direct comparison.
I have a QR generator for windows from portableapps. (Zint) Though I meant the text could fit ;D
yeah Zint (full windows version) is actually the one I got earlier today after I got frustrated with RedLazer on iOS not being able to resize.
So Bill gates is Trilionaire,isn’t he? ;D
Hey Tech, Is Bing doing so bad because of the deal with Yahoo? I don’t see anyone overtaking Google any time soon.
Bing’s not doing well because it’s not good. Google has become almost impossible to compete with, at least in the search engine field.
Para-Noid, I don’t know. Just post the link…
I have a question on your barcode scanner since I’ve tried several. Does this one also give you prices and comparison (local and online)? I use it for multiple purposes.
Zint is not a scanner… obviously, since it runs on Windows, it just generates codes. As to iOS or Android scanners, I use RedLaser/iOS… and I think that it does what you’re lookin’ for.