The downloaded virus definitions were invalid?

The downloaded virus definitions were invalid?,That’s the info I’m getting when trying to update.
I’m using a Motorola Atrix 4G, Rooted, Superuser, BusyBox, on a stock ROM.
I have a 3G Unlimited Browsing (not data) Plan through ROGERS Wireless here in Canada.
I’m using Auto Proxy for Firefox / Gmail / GPlay,others, to connect to and update/download via 3G when not connected to wifi.
My preference is to be only connected to 3G as the wifi eats my battery and is unreliable as I’m constantly on the move, and 3G is there, running anyways…
I’m receiving the “invalid” popup whether I’m on 3G or Wifi.
As I’m receiving the “The downloaded virus definitions were invalid”, is this an issue with how I’m setup or your updates broken?
Never mind,It just updated as I got to the end of my post… :o :stuck_out_tongue:

I have to figure out if avast! updated via proxy and 3g, direct 3g, or wifi.
I will need to configure avast to the proxy and 3g, or 3g as my setup.

Back right back… :wink:

This is my 1st bench test:

OK, I'm here: avast>settings>updates.
The 'Connection type' is set to: [i]wifi[/i] is Grey, [i]3g[/i] is Black, [i]roaming[/i] is Black.
[u]Proxy is on[/u], [u]3G is active[/u],
[b]I have updates happening.........[/b] :) :) :) 

New settings:

The 'Connection type' is set to: [i]wifi[/i] is Grey, [i]3g[/i] is Black, [i]roaming[/i] is Black.
Proxy off, 3G on
[b]NO[/b] updates, the [b]GREEN CIRCLE OF DEATH[/b]
keeps spinning,Times out…Goes away…

Why am I not getting updates via 3G with NO proxy?.. ???

I have a similar problem, the virus definitions are no longer updated since 17/08/13. This happened after(?) the latest update of avast Mobile. I only allow updates to happen on wifi.
When I try to launch the update manually the ‘circle’ is turning but nothing happens. And yes, I have access to the internet at that moment.

There was a new version released at the end of the last week. Did you update? If not, try it.


Last update was done at 22/08 21:24 and the current version is 3.0.6158.

OK, that’s weird then :slight_smile: Could you try rebooting your device?


OK, that solved the problem. Why did I not think about that :wink:

That solves a lot of stuff, on Android as well :slight_smile: (I, for example, have troubles with GPS and mobile data connection regurarly.)


I’m having a similar problem with AVM on my Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 tablet, which is WiFi only. Avast keeps reporting the same problem with increasing numbers of applications: “Invalid context during scan.” When I go to manually update my virus definitions, it loads for a short period of time, then a toast pops up saying “The downloaded virus definitions were invalid. Please try again later.”

I’ve shut down and restarted my tablet already to see if this resolves the issue, which is has not. Please help!


I’m afraid your installation got corrupted. You might need to delete AMS data and set it up again to make it work.


I’ve already cleared the data from AMS and I’m still having the issue. Should I try uninstalling the app altogether?

Try reinstall, yes. And even if that doesn’t help, there must be something wrong with your OS. Are you sure you have enough internal drive space?
