The eagle has landed

Probe makes historic comet landing

Some more links:

Good job, landing on a piece of ice and dirt that is only 4 km in diameter.
It is like catching one molecule in a ocean :smiley:

The landing on a small object 300 million miles away is beyond imagination.
The comet is moving at about 40,000 miles per hour or over 64,000 kilometers per hour.
It took ten years to get there and Rosetta was shut down for thirty months.

Congratulations to the European Space Agency!

It seems some computer geek did his programming and betatesting correct. ;D

I take it you are talking about the Mars lander project.

Yes better than the Mars protect where the Beagle crashed and burned - I believe it was all down to a programming error, one team working in Imperial measurements Miles, with the other working in Metric measurements, kilometres and it ploughed into Mars.


the speed is around 135.000 km/h not “just” 64.000.

Yeah. I clicked on the wrong conversion link. :-[

edit: No I didn’t!

40000 mph=64373.76 Km/hour

But you did enter the wrong mph

Not sure how you have worked that one out Eddy.

1Km = 5/8ths of a mile.

40,000 miles divided by 5 times 8 = 64,000 Km

A handy conversion site or the speed conversion, which is essentially the same

Ohhhh… Well there goes the satellite ;D ;D May be next comet.

Sorry guys couldn’t help it :-X

Still an amazing feast.

Its just the last inch/CM that matters - ouch.

Not to worry Hernan,
It wasn’t up to you to make sure that the Eagle indeed landed. :slight_smile:

This is one of the rare moments that I’m proud to be European,otherwise
EU can go to …

The +/- 40.000 mph was in 2008, not when it reached the astroid that it landed on.

Why would you say that?! I quite like European countries! (Mostly because I find the accents funny, but still).

The countries aren’t the Issue it is the EU wanting to be a state (bureaucracy) in charge of everything in everyones life.

Sounds like you’re describing the US ???

Today’s Google Doodle is pretty cool.

I only see the normal Google logo.

Problems with Philae.
Harpoon didn’t worked.
Not enough sunlight to keep it working.
Batteries only last about 65 hours.