The fameous Avast V5 will it ever come? sighh

Any news yet,

It stays very quiet.

It’s scheduled for late this year. Probably, October :wink:
It will be preceded by a beta phase.

What’s the rush, it will be ready when its ready, I can’t see what everyone is in a flap about. I certainly don’t want them to rus something out the door to meet any artificial schedule.

Keep monitoring these forums and you will see when the Beta build is released and that should hopefully mean the regular release isn’t too far off.

I agree with DavidR here,
Every other post is about when it is coming out, do people not use the search function anymore ???


Since Avast 4.8 is working so well, I am in no rush for #5, although certainly a little interested in it.
I don’t mind if it takes another year, if it needs to take that long. (Don’t think it will, but I have seen the results of software rushed into existence too often.)


Any news yet,

It stays very quiet.

LOL. At least they’re not as bad as Blizzard Entertainment. We could be waiting years for an update then.

It’ll be soon, just hang on…


Maybe you can advise us, while waiting, what feature of avast 5 you now do not have that makes you impatient for the new release?

I assume it must be something more significant than “I just want it”.

hi frnds well it would be cool if avast 5 is released this year as avast 4.8 doesnt use heuristic and i think with that avast will be a great security software:) well i use avast with malwarebyte pro and i think its very good coz malwarebyte catches virus avast miss!

Welcome to the forums, chetZ.
And tell me.
Exactly what is “heuristics”?

hey man u joking lol heuristic is the abiltility to detect unknown viruses welll i was jst saying that it will be cool i knw u will all tell me it will have lots of false positive and so on bt prevention is better than cure;)

hey man u joking
No, I mean it. Welcome to the forums. :)

And how are “unknown viruses” detected using heuristics? What mechanism?

ok man no prob well im nt into coding bt i think it scan fr suspicious file or bad coding like exe hey man i was downloading a crack for tray skin a software which modifies ur windows time style welll avast didnt detect anything i patch it when i click launch the software spyware detected in c program lol so i scanned the patch no virus found only when it modifies the exe thats a virus is found when u launch the software lol how come and yeah my operating system is tiny vista jst put it yesterday im someone who kinda spend 18hr on pc kinda adict lol

Frankly, boasting of downloading a crack, and then expecting that your AV should protect you from it isn’t the sort of thing most folk here are into.
Avast will help you protect yourself very nicely indeed.
No AV will protect you from yourself.

no man u didnt get me well i didnt say that avast shoul protect me lol i said it didnt detect it at first well im someone who uses a lot of keygens and crack and well i dnt care abt reinstalling my os several time sometime i even put the protection off to crack a software what i wanted to say that avast is a good software and it was a granted a 99.3 detection in 2008 virus test i think and avira was the first bt in 2009 it was not awarded a good ranking in the test may b with the new version avast will be may b one of the best security software with detection over 99.6 anywayz anywaz avast keep the good job going tc mate!


I can imagine that when (notice that I said when and not if) you get infected and ask for help, you may find that many people here will not even bother to help you because of your poor attitude to security.

Ther are many free and capable programs that you can use instead and sometime they can be even better than the paid for programs.



no man u didnt get me well i didnt say that avast shoul protect me lol
Oh, I actually understood you very well. I was being kind. Kinda sarcastic.

It seems you didn’t understand me, though.
Simply and nicely put, stop looking for cracked software/keygens, you leech. >:(