The hard drive at 50

The hard drive is 50!

One of the first drives weighed 250kg and could store a couple of MP3 tunes, apparently, although that might have been a little too heavy to put in your back pocket. The discs seem to have been made by some bloke pouring magnetic gloop onto a spinning disc. I think they probably recruited him from a pancake shop.



Winchester drives - sad I remember them

If it makes you feel better, so do I… :slight_smile:

Heck, I’m too young to remember them. :slight_smile:

Hard drives were a figment of the imagination, 8086 processor 64 Kilobytes of memory (not Megabytes) and Twin 51/4" floppy drives absolute top dog in its day and very, very expensive. My first Hard Disk was 512MB and they told me I would never fill it, which was correct for about 2 years, then I was using on the fly compression software to cram two pints into my 1 pint pot.

Ahh those were the days (not) ;D