The Maze!!

I have spent many minutes of my life trying to make some sense of the following email message. I did this today, and I have run out of patience.
Furthermore, for those of us who are new to your program, may not automatically understand all of the directions you give, and the Buzz words you use.
Please tell me in plain hometown english what this message means, and how I am supposed to get to the place you have directed me to go.
Thank You,

The Elder

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I full understand all of the do this or that instructions. I am a NEWBIE. I DO NOT know how to get to the topic that I should read.


Please re-read this post. I have explained my problem.

The Elder

The first link in the email is the link to the reply. (takes you to the other thread that you have created)

At some point you have subscribed to it, and the email is telling you that there is a reply.