Hello fellow forum members,
This is my first post here, so I do hope I am posting this request in the correct place. My apologies to the moderators if I am mistaken.
Firstly I have to say that Avast! has been my Internet security guard for many years now and has never let me down. It truly is an
awesome program, and the team that put it all together, deserve ‘Platinum IT Medals’ for their amazing talents.
The only question I would like to ask (actually it is two) is this:- Is there any way one can reduce the duration time of the
“Virus Database Has Been Updated” banner appearance? It seems to stay up for much longer than the vocal announcement, and is very
distracting when working. I have looked for a Avast! cfg file but don’t see one anywhere on my machine.
The second part of my question is not crucial either but, would it be possible to have the announcement made by a lady’s voice, I’m not
sexist, but I do find a lady’s voice far more reassuring, similar to those of Air hostesses
To get the “banner” to leave quicker, all you have to do is click anywhere on the “banner” as soon as it pops up. Somewhere on the forum there use to be a link to download female voices but I no longer remember where it is nor do I know if the link is still active or not.
Many thanks for your reply CharleyO, maybe someone might remember those voice links later on. you are right about clicking on the banner, but when I do that, it then presents a dialogue box telling me about the latest update :o
Well, sometime later and after you have completed your work, you can click on the “a” ball and the click on “About avast!..” in the menu. There you can find the information when it is less likely to interrupt your work.
I think I found the female voice in a sounds pack. I clicked the sounds link (but did not complete the download) and it seems to still be active. If I remember correctly, new male and female voices are included but it is your choice after the file is unzipped. Read a little at the link below to be sure this is what you want.
Clicking on the “banner” as soon as it comes up makes it slide down immediately for me and apparently it also works for Palebushman. The sound will continue as the “banner” slides down out of sight. Yes, I am aware that there is no individual time setting for this and, as Palebushman noted above, the update information box does not appear when this is done…
If this does not work for you, I have no idea why not.
:)Many thanks for your link Tech,
But I did not want ‘Suppress’ this nice feature, only shorten it from 10 seconds to 5.
But as you say this can not be done, I guess it will have to stay as it is.
Thanks for your link to the Sasha sounds as well Bob,
I have downloaded and listened to them, though I’m not sure about that ‘Robotic’ sounding female voice.
I was hoping for something more along the lines of Eartha Kitt, :o oops! Maybe the Avast Team are too young to remember her.
Never mind though, like I mentioned in my first post, I have had Avast! as my security guard for a long time now, and this
was purely a ‘Cosmetic’ adjustment that I thought may have been possible. 8)