The most erratic unstable intrusive Anti-Virus I have ever used!!

After taking the plunge and buying 3 licenses for “Pro” then upgrading to “Premier”…lasting up until 2020, I am totally starting to regret my purchase. For a start it is Premium software that still doesn’t have all features with it. The program constantly spams you to buy more (yes I know most can be disabled) It is all about money and added features…many of which are invasive and unstable. I have had more lock-ups, scans starting again when half way through are sticking at 99% than I care to mention. I have stuck with this for months and patiently upgraded and for every flaw that is fixed another one appears - This morning a full scan locked at 52% and the only resolution was a hard reset - not good. At no time in my using this program has it ever felt like a finished product, which is just disgusting. If only it wasn’t too late to get my money back. In all my 20 odd years of trialing and using Anti-virus & firewall software this is absolutely the most unstable and problematical that I have ever used. I came to this from the excellent free Comodo Internet Security because it was on offer and I expected much more from my investment.

I’ve stuck with it it because I’ve paid and I have over 2 years license left, but I can take no more of this poor quality greed motivated product. I’m off back to an free option that has worked flawlessly for years, and taking the loss.

Yours, a very disappointed Customer

Simon Carmont

I entirely sympathise and agree. I bailed several hours before you.

Did you try a repair…Control Panel>Programs and Features>double click “avast”>click “repair”>reboot

Hi Ausr, I just wish I hadn’t been fleeced of my hard earned.

Para-Noid, Thanks for your feedback, but that’s exactly the point…that would be more troubleshooting of a ridiculously buggy program…Gotta think, if its this erratic, just how good is the protection…there are far too many false postives, and far too many components…many of which are very buggy…

Use a custom install and only select the parts you want installed.
That should be done with any program you install on your computer. :slight_smile:

bob3160…An “expert” oh goody…so your solution would be ignore all the many features that I would assume will be problematical…hang on aren’t these program features??..Oh but I should do this with all programs…whether I want the feature or not…in case it’s unstable…that’s what simple folk like me should do with all programs…Gee thanks…I feel all educated now ;D

I can agree that there are bugs with the UI in terms of scan percentages. A new Scan & Shield section in UI has been incorporated into the latest BETA to fix some issues. A fix for the percentage issues is due either this month or January (it’s actually the full anti-rootkit scan which doesn’t affect the percentage and takes a while)- the scan should still complete and shouldn’t freeze at a percentage. If you manage to get it to freeze again, I’m sure the developers will want logs/dumps. There is no difference between the free and paid versions in relation to scans. There are aesthetic issues with the notifications saying the scan is stuck at 99% when its actually completed. The scans UI will be redesigned in the future (no ETA for that atm) and would show data that should be there such as last file scanned and other statistics so users will be aware the scan isn’t stuck.

I would like you to expand on which components are “invasive and unstable” and what issues you are having with them particularly in regards to lock ups.

Unless you use the custom install option, you really don’t know exactly what’s being installed.
The default install will install whatever the software co. decided you should have installed.
It’s your computer, you treat it the way that you feel is best. Advice is freely given, no one said you had to accept any of it. :slight_smile: