the pending changes to World Community Grid's infrastructure...

Hi all, I’m using Avast Internet Security edition, although I could not find a forum for that. I’ve been successfully running World Community Grid as my screenscraver for several years now, and I’ve never had any firewall issues ever. It just worked. But they’ve just sent me an email about changes I may need to implement in my firewall. So I did the nslookup they asked me to do, and the address it returned was the exact same one they used for an example, Per step 4 of their instructions I found that I need to “Enable that entire range of IP addresses in your firewall settings.” Well that “entire range” seems to me to be /24. But then I went digging through Avast firewall settings to find what needed tweaking, and it turns out I can’t find anything even remotely close to that kind of language. Can anyone point me to what I need to do in Avast in order to enable that entire range of /24 in my firewall settings?
Many thanks, and please make no assumptions about my level of knowledge about this stuff,

Hi Jeff, I will attempt to help.
Is this world community grid listed in the application rules of the firewalls configuration settings? If so you should be able to make a packet rule
to allow these ips.When you get to the packet rule window click the address drop down arrow, then click more.
My example screenshots are of google chrome but should be similar. Hope this helps.