I have downloaded the avast software for linux flat and installed avast software that is called avast4workstation-1.0.8-1.i586.rpm sucessfully.My way is “rpm -ivh avast4workstation-1.0.8-1.i586.rpm”. And my os is red hat 9.0
Unfortunatedly when I run this avast in the command line. there occurs the message that is “/usr/bin : line 169 :2446 aborted $AVAST_PREFIX/bin/$programname $*”. And I try to use another way to resolve it. But I can not overcome it.
So please help me!
please re-check this issue with latest beta-build: http://public.avast.com/~cimbal/test . These build were made after ubuntu-8.04 testing, which was succesful. So, probably, the problem should be gone. Otherwise, please, run avastgui in strace -f -i -s 1024, and paste the results here.
Hello zilog,
Thnaks for your responsion.
I have downloaded the relative software avast4workstation-1.2.0-1.i586.rpm by your gived URL. I have uninstalled the original avast version. And I use rpm command and add the “-nodes” parameter for installing this new software. The process of the install is sucessful.But I input “avast” or “avastgui” in the command lines.There occurs different message that is “avast: can not initialize avast! engine:vps file was destoryed”.
Finally I install libavastengine-4.7.4-1.i586.rpm software, I can not resolve it also.
please, check the 400.vps file (size, contents, location). The file must be some ±15MiB and must end with ASWSignd. Also, make sure that the /usr/lib/libavast* stuff was uninstalled (otherwise, workstation will try to use those system-wide DSOs).
There might be more 400.vps files (global, per-user), so try “find / -type f -name 400.vps” to fing them all.