The Red Sign

OK, this is obviously a stupid question but one I need answered. Ever since I’ve had avast a red box pops up asking me to update the virus database, but when I click the box (for more help)…nothing happens. If I manually go in and try to update I get the same result.
I have used Avast before with no problems what am I doing wrong?
thanks in advance…Ghost62

When does this occur?
At logon time or at any time (like the manual updates you’re trying)?

At logon time, you just have to change (or add) AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds value into the [InetWD] section of avast4.ini file. More details here:;action=display;threadid=1647

It’s good to check if into the firewall settings, the following programs should be allowed to connect:
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashWebSv.exe (avast! Web Scanner)
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe (avast! e-Mail Scanner Service)
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\avast.setup (avast! Update executable)

are you using a firewall?
is avast allowed to access the internet? ::slight_smile:

Thanks guys, it happens as soon as I turn on my modem.
I have opened the .ini file and under [InetWD] it says “AssumeAlwaysConnected=1” do you mean I shoud change this to “AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds” ?

So you must ADD, not change, the line:


Or 30 (seconds). The AssumeAlwaysConnected=1 value could be changed at Update (Connections) tab.

Details? Click ‘Settings’ in my signature :slight_smile:

Are you a dial-up user (or is this a broadband modem)?
If you are the AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds=60 doesn’t make a blind bit of difference. I’m a dial-up user and have the above line in my [InetW] section but it doesn’t wait 60 to check for updates, I’ve seen it check as quickly as 25 seconds. My modem is an internal PCI card and as such is on at start-up.

You’ll see it (maybe) if you uncheck the dial-up option into the Update (Connections) tab of settings and check the permanent connection option, besides adding that line to avast4.ini file :wink: